Chapter One: The Interview

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"Today's the big day. Don't mess up. Don't say anything stupid or act stupidly. Show them the intelligent, strong, and attractive women you are. Just walking in there and take charge. Show them whose boss. Yeah! Show them who's boss."

"Melody James. Is there a Melody James Present. Melody James, Melody James!" The secretary yells behind her desk.

Me sitting on one of the chairs against a wall was to busy thinking to hear her call my name. A women sitting next to me tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Miss James. I believe your name has been called." She squints looking at my name tag.

I jump up to see the secretary staring at me. I saw thank you, quickly walking up to the desk and she gives me a small notepad and pencil.

"Well it's about time. You are next to be interviewed by Mr. Parker so make your way down the hall and through the door on your right."

"Thank you." I polite say and turn on my heels.

I start to walk slower as  anxiety and nervousness rushes through me at the same time. There is a small desk next to his office door where I'm pretty sure the one who passes this interview will go. Just as I reach the door a young lady opens the door and rushes out crying. If I wasn't scared then I am now. I make my way into the office and there he is. The famous Matthew Parker. He is looking down at his desk looking through papers which I believe was the files of the people interviewing.I cough lightly so he can notice that I am in the door and walks further into the room closing the door behind me. A few feet away from his desk, he looks up. His clear, his eyes a light grey, his jawline sharp and he smiled at me. I swear his smile lit up the entire room. His face so familiar but can not put my finger on it. He tilts his head at me as if I look familiar to him as well. He then smirks and looks down shaking his head.

"Hello Melody." His deep voice says my name.

I look at him in confusion to how he knew my name. Does he know me from somewhere. Maybe a party, College or Highschool.

He stands and walks towards me. I back up as he begins to get closer and my back hits a wall. He move closer wrapping his hand around my neck. He whispers in my ear, "Your mine". His words sends chills down my spine as I quiver under his touch, my panties soaked. He brings his lips close to mind pecking them teasing me. I clenched onto his shirt, begging for him to let me feel the softness of his lips. His warm lips connect to mine and he sli—

*snaps fingers*

"Hello Melody." He says Staring at me.

Was I daydreaming this whole time? I look down in embarrassment

"It's me Matthew. I use to live across the street from you and we went to West Over High together."

It takes me a minutes to remember but when I do my mouth drops. This was not the Matthew I remember.

"Oh my god it's been so longg. How have you been." I reach out my hand and he politely takes it.

"I've been well. I see your doing good." He looks me up and down and licks his lips.

I look down and blush as he releases my hand.

"Well shall we get started." He walks to a chair across from his desk and pulls it out so I can sit.

Did he do this for all the other girls?

I gladly take the seat with a smile. He goes around his desk sitting down crossing his hands.



Slay to the gods babies. This chapter is cut short alittle but it has been a year. Lolz I be busy. Be looking out for the next chapter and tell your friends about my story. Feedback I take so follow me and don't forget to vote and comment you opinions. Be prepared for upcoming chapters. Stay tuned


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