I'll Protect You

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Darkness has always been my favorite. I loved how I couldn't see anything, and nothing could see me. Just like now, but the darkness was slowly turning red- red like the blood dribbling down the walls besides me and splattered across every ceiling, every window, and every floor.

Red is such a pretty color and always has been my favorite... But now, after seeing more dead bodies than a mortician has, I think I'm done with red. But that doesn't stop him. He will continue to bring the red. He will not stop.

That is, until I feel him disappear, as if he just leaves me... But I see him. Right in front of me. He's staring at me. It feels like someone is trying to rip my brain from my skull. I can't help but let the ear shattering scream escape my lips. All I see is red.

Then, I hear faint words. What should I do? It's not the usual voice of my conscious speaking. It's more... Whispery. Evil. It's his.

What should we do? I want to kill. You are mine. The mountains. Go.

"No. No, no, no, no, NO!" I scream. Suddenly, I can feel hands wrap around my neck, but they don't squeeze. They're cold. He's staring into me, into my very soul.

You will do as I say. Do as I do, Miles.

I whimper, shaking my head no. He will listen to me. He is in my body. He will do as I do and he will not refuse. I stare back at him, my eyes narrowing. The hands, they grow colder. I can feel my throat tightening. Now, he is trying to hurt me.

"No-" I gasp out, struggling against the hands. "You w-will listen to me!" The hands, which pinned me against the wall, disappear, but he is still there, still blankly staring at me with cold, dead eyes shrouded by what appeared to be torn skin.

"You live in my body now! You will do what I say; you will listen to me or so help me God, I will find a way to put you back into the Hell where you belong!" He seems to listen because all I hear in my head is a soft 'what now?' It makes me grin.

"We get out of here, of course." I say. He stares at me for a moment longer before he dissipates into thin air and back into my body. I can feel the power from him coursing through my veins as he makes himself a home. I would be lying if I said I didn't like how the way the power made me feel immortal. Now, all I had to do was get us out of here and into the mountains. We would be safe there, I could feel it.


The journey to the main floor was tedious. Having to find ways to get there was even more so. All doors seemed to have locked, even the ones I knew weren't because I had gone through them myself. But, with the power of the Walrider and my physical body, we made it through.

It was about an hour before we made it to the lobby. I could smell the fresh air just outside. God, had I forgotten what the sun looked like, or what the smell of fresh, breathable air smelled like. All I could smell now was the coppery stench of blood and decaying flesh. It would take days, weeks, or even months to get that smell out of my nose. I shivered.

I had just turned a corner to get into the lobby when I saw him. I had seen the man before, running from a variant most likely. He had his back to me and I could hear someone talking.

"-me up." It was someone else's voice. I didn't know who and, frankly, I couldn't care less. I just wanted out. I could see the sun shining in through the door just beyond the blond man, and I wanted to run for it, but something stopped me. Maybe it was how the blond limped forward, moving out of the way so I could see a man in a surprisingly non-wrinkled suit sitting down by the door. His hand was covering his stomach, most likely a wound. It still didn't stop the suspicion from rising to my throat. I tried to call out to the blond that it was a trap, but my mouth wouldn't open.

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