I fell for a boy i dont know

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     I tried distracting myself by looking out the window and turning up my music. It seemed like my eyes had other ideas, because they moved back towards the seat in front of me where a boy about my age sat. He'd been capturing my interest even since he got onto this train.
Once again, I found myself studying him. How can a guy look this good on a three hour long train ride? I looked down at my note book containing all my school notes that I was supposed to be studying. Obviously, I couldn't concentrate. What made my heart race more was that I'd caught him looking at me a few times as well. He didn't have a book or anything to busy himself with, maybe he was just looking around out of boredom.
"Um, can I borrow a pencil and crayon?"
What. He spoke to me? I quickly took out both my headphones. His accent was SO CUTE.
"Um, yeah. Sure," I answer, suddenly aware of how boring my Canadian accent sounded compared to his English one. I flipped through the pages until I found a blank one and I ripped it out. As I took out a spare pencil I realized he was watching my every move with his piercing brown eyes and it made me nervous and extra cautious about my movements. I passed the paper and pencil to him. "Thanks," he mumbled, not making eye contact with me. Awkwardly I put back in my headphones and pretended to be busy again while really my head was buzzing and my heart racing. Why was I acting like this? I don't even freaking know the guy. He was writing something on the paper. I didn't know what of course and I didn't bother to look (cause I'm not a creep) but I could see he was writing pretty quickly.
Soon we arrived in London, which was not my stop but apparently it was for cute-train-boy. He folded the paper I gave him and rolled the crayon across the table to me. "Thanks for letting me use it," he said. Then he passed the folded paper to me, too. "What?" I asked. He was already getting out of his seat. "You're not keeping it?" He shrugged, "Nah. You can have it." With that, he left. I watched him go for a second, very confused. Then without hesitation and full of curiosity I quickly unfolded the paper.

Dear blonde-train-girl,
This is weird for me to do and for you to receive because I have no idea who you are and you have no idea who I am, so sorry if this is super creepy to you.
You're very pretty. The second I sat down I noticed you and your blue eyes. Kind of took my breath away. I'm a shy guy so of course the only way I thought I could tell you this was by writing you a note. I'm not even sure why I feel like I need to tell you but I really wanted you to know my thoughts for some reason. It's kind of hard for me to explain. I...want to know you. I feel like I was meant to see you in this train today. (Wow, now I really sound like a creep) So, if you will, call me?
Obviously this is weird and sudden so if you happen to have a boyfriend or anything obviously throw this out and if that's the case I'm SO SORRY for bothering you and wasting your time but I have no way of knowing.
From a boy from London.

"Whatcha looking at there?" My Mom tapped my right shoulder and smiled at me. I folded the paper as fast as I could and stuffed it in my pocket. "Oh, nothing," I answered. She laughed. "You know, that boy that was sitting there a moment ago seemed very familiar to me," she said and stroked her chin. I was only half listening because I was still thanking heaven that she didn't ask more about the paper. "Uh huh?" I pretended to sound interested.
"Yes. I just can't figure out where I once saw him. Oh well, he's gone now."


Okay I must confess this is NOT a story I wrote when I was younger but I'm still putting it in here. This is actually a dream I had last night that I wanted to write so I could have it on my phone. If you're wondering why I never gave you a real description of 'Boy From London' that's because I forget almost all his features from my dream except his eyes.
I'm actually kind of inspired by this dream and if I can think of a solid plot for this maybe I'll make it into an actual story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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