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It was Friday night. Ginny was out of the hospital wing. Every Friday night, the girls of the Gryffindor dormitory got together and did something they called GG Night- or Gryffindor Girls Night. Basically they stayed up all night, talked, gossiped, stuff like that. All the girls were sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Ginny, how are things with Michael?" Lavender asked Ginny.

"Honestly, horrible. We fight so much! I love him though. At least, I think I do. Don't tell anyone, but I sort of want to break up with him. I mean, we argue so much, someone might think we're siblings! I don't know," Ginny sighed.

"Ginny, you shouldn't be with someone if you don't want to! Besides, I know a boy that is dying to be with you," Hermione said.

"Who?" Ginny asked, dumbfounded.

"I can't say. But you know him very well," Hermione teased.

"How are things going with Ron, Hermione?" Lavender asked. As you can see, Lavender did a lot of the asking. Hermione sighed.

"I just....Ron is one of my best friends. He's so amazing, but his temper is uncontrollable! He yells at me whenever something doesn't go his way, but being with him makes me feel so happy.  I guess I should say made me happy. We haven't talked since....since the day Ginny got hexed. We haven't officially broken up, I guess, but we haven't spoken or looked at each other, so I guess it is the same thing."

"It hurts to get dumped," Lavender said. "Don't worry, you'll heal in time." Sometimes Lavender can be sympathetic.

"It's not that I'm upset that I got dumped. I'm upset because I lost one of my best friends," Hermione whispered. "I've known Ron since I was 11, what is that, 4 years? He's always stuck up for me and he's always been so nice to me. I can't imagine a world without him. I just....I don't know how to deal with it. Whenever I've gone through something, he's always been there supporting me. And the problem is that he is always hanging out with Harry, so I feel like I've lost Harry, too, because he hasn't talked to me either, and I just feel so rotten and kicked to the curb," Hermione cried. "Anyways," Hermione said, wiping the tears off her cheeks, "it just feels good to get it all of me che-" She stopped all of a sudden. Hermione went limp and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Hermione! Everyone stay right where you are! Don't move! Lav, go to Madame Pomfrey. Tell her it's an emergency! Go go go go!" Ginny barked out orders. Then she kneeled down in front of Hermione. Hermione seemed to be breathing. She looked like she was just peacefully sleeping, but Ginny knew that was far from the the truth. Then, Hermione started screaming. She was obviously unconscious and her eyes were closed, yet she screamed blood curdling screams, like she was having the worst nightmare anyone could imagine. Or she was in immense pain. Lavender returned with Madame Pomfrey and Madame Pomfrey loaded Hermione onto a stretcher that was magically floating in mid air. They made there way to the hospital wing. As they were traveling through the Gryffindor common room, they encountered some people. Naturally, everyone had woken up from Hermione's screams and wanted to see what was going on. Ron and Harry weaved through the crowd of people. They gaped at the horror that laid before their eyes.

"We're taking her to the infirmary. C'mon!" Ginny practically screamed at the boys. They quickly followed pursuit. They made their way down the moving staircases, which was slightly tricky. Soon they got to the hospital wing.

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