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"Can you believe it?" Hermione gushed to Ron and Harry as they hurried inside. They were coming back from Hagrid's class. The air outside nipped at their noses and cheeks. The trio was wrapped tightly in scarfs, robes, mittens, hats, anything that provided even a little heat. "A Christmas Eve Dance at Hogwarts!" Ron and Harry most certainly did not share Hermione's excitement. They rushed inside with everyone else into the warm, welcoming castle and made their way to the Gryffindor common room.

"Oh, and I take it there is someone you fancy? How about that boy who is always staring?" Ron teased. Hermione gasped and play shoved him over into Harry. "No? Then who?"

"Enough with me. Let's face it, Ron. Everyone knows. We all see how you look at......Pansy Parkinson!" Hermione laughed. Harry joined in.

"Yeah, remember last night when you were dreaming! You were kissing you pillow and everything! Only it wasn't Pansy you were kissing. Shall I tell Hermione who it was?" Harry teased, kissing an imaginary pillow.

"No, please Harry! Don't." Ron begged.

"It was-"

"Potter! Saw you kissing you imaginary girlfriend!" Draco sneered as he walked by, closely followed by Crabbe and Goyle. "You know, there is a dance coming up, and I don't know about you, but I am taking a real girl," he said. Harry lunged forward, about to attack him, but Ron and Hermione grabbed hold of him just in time.

"Down, Harry!" Hermione practically screamed.

"Oh so what, Harry is a dog to you?" asked Ron, letting go of Harry. Hermione's face turned red and she too, let go of Harry.

"Later Weasley," Draco hissed, "Filthy, stupid Mudblood," Draco said under his breath and walked away. Hermione's breath caught. Ron hit her back gently.

"Hermione! Breathe!" Ron exclaimed. Hermione started to breathe again, but then her breathing sped up and soon she was hyperventilating. Then she started to cry. Harry glanced sideways at Ron. Ron held out his arms to Hermione and embraced her. She sobbed on his shoulder while he rubbed her back.

"Hermione, shhhh. It's okay. You aren't going to let Malfoy get to you, are you? You haven't before. C'mon, let's go to the common room." said Ron gently to Hermione, giving her one last squeeze. Hermione wiped her eyes.

"I know, it's just..." Hermione looked at the ground and hesitated before speaking. "Nothing, nothing. I'll, um, meet you back in the Gryffindor common room. I need to ask Professor McGonagall a question about the dance." she squeaked and then headed off. Ron and Harry started to tread back to the common room.

"Harry, be honest, what do you think of all this Christmas Eve dance business?" Ron asked, turning to face him. Harry gave Ron an exasperated sigh and then chuckled.

"Well, as long as I don't have to go up against any dragons, I think I will survive."

"Do you think Cho will go with you this year? You know, since, Cedric is well, you know," Ron stuttered. Harry shook his head.

"I was actually thinking of asking someone else. Besides, I'm not that into Cho anymore." Harry said. Ron gave Harry a puzzled look.

"If not Cho, then who else? Don't tell me you are thinking of Luna! Or," Ron gasped, "Hermione!"

"There is a cute little red head the year below us, but I believe she is already taken. I've been told that you know her well," Harry laughed. Ron's face went through a series of emotions in a matter of seconds. Confusion, then realization, then he looked disgusted. Harry laughed at him and then continued to walk away while Ron stood there star-struck. Ron ran to catch up with him.

"Ginny! You're kidding me! My little sister! But, but, but she's dating that boy! What's his name- Michael! She is dating Michael." Harry just nodded his head. "Oh, Harry. I'm sorry. I know how much you like her." Harry just shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever. It's okay. What about you? Who's the lucky lady that gets to go with Ron Wesley?" Harry asked, half sarcastically.

"Oh I think you know!" Ron exclaimed. He put his arm around Harry's shoulders and together they walked off toward the Gryffindor common room.

Meanwhile, Hermione hurried across the castle. Finally, she reached the hidden spot between the walls of the castle. There he was, waiting for her. She ran over to him and kissed him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I can forgive you, as long as you don't let it slip that we're together," Hermione smiled back, touching her lips to his. Hermione had no intention of going to Mcgonagall's office. Everyday she snuck over to the crack between the corridors where he was always waiting. She could never tell Ron or Harry, or anyone really. Imagine what would happen if they found out. Even though they were outside and the cold wind nipped at their fingertips and noses, they weren't cold. As long as they were together, they were fine. He took her hand and led her further outside.

"Won't someone see us?" Hermione asked. She wasn't being paranoid. When they had started this relationship, they both had agreed that they wouldn't tell anyone anything. Not even their best friends.

"No. It's freezing out here and it is in-between classes. Anyone in their right mind would be inside with everyone else. Plus, I wanted to see you in the light, not just in a dark corner," he said, gliding his finger down her cheek. He giggled and hugged him tight.

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