Yeah, I know.

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 I know this isn't an update for that gay story but, don't you want to get to know me?

You: No you mental fuck.


Hi, so my name is, not blurryface, but... I hate my name so it's Mingo or Cunt or Faggot. 

So my life isn't exciting as if you couldn't tell since I am reading faggot shit but I love it and I am writing something gay and shitty. 

All I do is sit on my ass all day eat food look at memes cry a bit and have an online social life with three friends! 

Smoke grass I'm a lonely ass.  - Mingo 2017 

I'm not sure why I'm making this. But if you want an update on the story then, it's going to shit. Just kidding, probably. I'm just lazy to finish a chapter.

Um here my favorite color is purple, what is yours?



We'll make a whole different chapter on the shit I like so run while you can!

Before I fucking chainsaw you in half!

Haha, I'm kidding! Come back and sit that ass down Girl, Man, Private Gender, Other!

How was your day?

Mine was okay. I did school and drew some shit, but that's all. 

How are you?

I'm okay. 

What did you achieve this year? (I am asking you guys this too, not just talking to myself here)

I achieved nothing. Planning to in a couple of years. 

What's your favorite color? I want to get to know you too.

I sound very happy. I am not but oh well.

Want to see my shit art gallery? Next chapter bitch.

I didn't mean to call you a bitch, I love you stranger. 

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