Chapter Fifteen:

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Chapter Fifteen:

I woke up in Owen's arms. I slowly got out of bed and went to the dresser. I grabbed some short short jean shorts and a black tank top and a blue half top with, Varsity on it.

I go into the bathroom and take a shower and dry my hair. I get dressed and do my usual routine and put my hair in a high pony tail.

I walk into the kitchen and grab a pan, eggs, bacon, and butter. I make a bunch of over-easy eggs and put them on a plate. Then I make the bacon and put that on a plate.

I grab some of the bacon and two eggs. I dig in.

"Cynthia!!!!!!!!" Chloe yells and I smirk.

"Yes darling?" I ask.

"What did you do to my face??!!??!!" She asks.

"Well it's on your arm and NO ONE CALLS ME CYNTHIA EXCEPT MY MOM AND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell.

"GRR…" She says and goes back to her room.

"God people!" I say to myself.

"Cynthia?" Owen asks from behind me.

"My real name is Cynthia Lee Celia Manson" I say.

"But you don't like Cynthia?" He asks.

"I did but I don't anymore so I go by Lee" I say and plop on the bed. I look over at my iPod and it's destroyed.

"Who did that?!?!" I yell.

"Um…I don't know…" Owen says. I storm to the boys room with my iPod.

"WHO DID THIS?!?!?!?" I yell.

"Um… I think Chloe and Andre had a fight…" Tyler says so I run to their room.

"WHO DID THIS?!?!?" I yell again.

"Um…Were really sorry…" Chloe says and I go up to Andre.

"You are going to pay, no one messes with me and doesn't pay." I warn then go back to my room.

"Good thing my stuff is on my iPhone now…" I say.

"Okay! Were going to the circle pool!" Chloe yells.

"Grr…" I say. I grab my swimsuit and go into the bathroom to change.

"Hurry up I have to get changed!" Owen yells.

"Calm your…Balls!" I yell back. I get my swimsuit on and put my varsity shirt on over it and walk out.

"Jerk" Owen mumbles as he walks past me.

"I know!" I yell to him and walk out with my shades on and my iPhone.

"Ready?" Alex asks.

"Of course, but your forgetting something" I say.

"What?" She asks.

"Your boyfriend…" I say.

"Nope, she's got that too" Tyler comes and wraps his arms around her. I want that…

No you don't Cynthia Lee Celia Manson!

"Lee" Owen says.

"Yes, idiot?" I ask.

"Oh nothing…" He says and holds up my book that I'm writing.

"Give it to me or I will cut off your dick and shove it down your throat!" I warn.

"But…It's about football players and a girl on their team…That sounds familiar…" He says.

"Just because I'm on the football team doesn't mean it's about me!" I yell and run to him but he holds it up high.

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