Chapter 3

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A/N: You vs Soul and blackStar.

Everyone looked in surprise as they saw that you had a tail which you had just used to smack BlackStar.

(Y/N): like I said I'm not fighting you on the first day.

BlackStar started to get up and he was pissed after that unexpected attack you hit him with.

BlackStar: what the hell?

He then noticed the tail as well.

BlackStar: so you think you'll get the best of me because you have a tail? Well your wrong! I'm taking you out.

That's when soul walked up and was standing next to BlackStar.

Soul: let's see what you got new kid.

Maka: oh great now we get to watch them both be idiots. -_-

(Y/N): "sigh" fine! I'll fight you both. And I'll whip that ugly smirk off your face.

BlackStar: you'll try.

(Y/N)'s mind: time to teach this kid the Peking order.

(Y/N): but before we start I have a question to ask you.

BlackStar: ask!

(Y/N): have you ever wonder what fear is like?

BlackStar only laughed in response to the question.

BlackStar: hahaha! What kind of question is that? Your the one who will know what fear is!

(Y/N): so you think.

That's when you took a stance and started to charge up your power. Once it was up a little, a yellow aura appeared around your body and the ground started go shake but only a little. Everyone stood back so they could be ready for anything to happen. Your hair started to change from (F/C) to a bright golden yellow. You charged up your energy all the way and as you did the ground made a somewhat big Crack and your hair was now all the way yellow and sticking up. You were in your first super saiyan form. Everyone looked in surprise and shock from this sudden transformation you preformed.


BlackStar:....................hahaha and just what is that suppose to be?

(Y/N): it's called super saiyan.

BlackStar: if you think that changing hair color is going to help you with then you don't have a clue. I am the man who will surpass god and the one who will take you down!

(Y/N): I can assure you that this is more than just a simple hair change. And don't even bother with that choice of words. With overconfidence like yours you could never surpass god.

BlackStar charged at you about to deliver a punch but you blocked it easily and kicked him away. Soul ran up at you with one of his arms as a scythe blade to try and slice at you. Your tail caught his blade and you punched soul in the face.

Soul: ah fuck!

(Y/N): your both wasting your time here. You can't beat me attacking me separately even if you both attack me at once it makes not difference.

BlackStar: you talk big but you won't be able to back it up.

They both ran at you and it was punch after punch and slice after slice but everything that BlackStar and Soul tried to throw at you was utterly pointless. You caught their fists and then retaliated with your own attacks and they were sent crashing back against the ground. BlackStar tired getting up again but your tail wrapped around his leg and hit him on the ground and off the ground again and again. You threw him against a wall and kicked soul to him as well.

Soul: This guys dead!

They run at you again but before they could hit you. You used instant Transmission and they ran into each other.

BlackStar: where is he?!

(Y/N): right here.

You started to charge up a Kamehameha and everybody moved away from the area.

Soul: shit!


You fired it at soul and blackstar and it hit them. Once the smoke cleared it showed soul and blackstar knocked out.

Tsubaki: BlackStar!

She runs to him as well as Maka just walking over to soul. You turned back to your base form and walked over to them.

(Y/N): hey about that. I usually get a

Maka: it's fine. It was soul and blackstar who started this anyway. We got this.

(Y/N): you sure?

Maka: y...yeah.

(Y/N): uh...ok.

You started to walk off as everyone looked wide eyed at you. After a while of walking you hired a meow and you looked to see that it was the cat from earlier.

(Y/N): oh it's you again.

Blair: meow.

(Y/N): your a cute one aren't you?

Blair: :3

You pick her up and continue walking. After the whole day You were now getting ready for bed and once you were about to lay down Blair jumped on the bed with you and layed down.

(Y/N): man your one cute cat.

You then fell asleep.


You slowly woken up but you felt something on your. You looked and saw a woman on you.

(Y/N): 0_0 

Blair: good morning cutie.

A/N: hows that's that for a surprise wake up.

Soul Eater x Male Saiyan Reader [Male Reader Insert]  Where stories live. Discover now