"I think I found something."

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I woke up the next morning feeling awesome. I put on a white T-shirt, a bandana, and tied the arms of my jumpsuit around my waist.

I grabbed a shovel and walked out into the desert with the guys.

The sun came up quickly. It was nearing about 110 degrees.

I poured the water in the canteen over myself to cool off, just to realize that I had on a white T-shirt. You could see my turquoise bra right through my shirt.

I zipped up the other half of my jumpsuit. It was baggy, and as hot as hell.

After two hours. I zipped the top half down. My shirt was still damp, but you couldn't see my bra anymore.

I looked up from my hole to see Caveman inspecting something in his hand, as did Magnet.

"What you got there?" Magnet asked him.

We all crowded around Caveman's hole.

X-ray took it from Caveman.

"It looks like an old shotgun shell or something."

Squid inspected the tube.

"Naw it looks too skinny to be a shotgun shell."

The tube was gold in color, but I didn't think it was real gold. It was long and thin with a permanent coating of dirt and dust.

Caveman pointed to a little heart carved into the center of the tube with little letters.m"See look at the little heart. See it says KB."

KB.........where had I heard that before.

X-ray took it out of Caveman's hands.

"I guess I'll show it to mom and see if I get the rest of the day off."

Caveman stood up."No way man your hole's almost dug, I'm gonna be out here forever."

X-ray stared him down. "So?"

Caveman backed down. " so uh- maybe you should show it to mom in the morning and you can get the whole day off."

"Good thinking Caveman." Said X-ray

"Pretty smart Caveman, pretty smart." Squid patted him on the shoulder.

The next day after mom had filled our canteens, X-ray ran back to his hole and started digging around.

"Hey mom, I think I found something."

"Here we go." I muttered.

Zigzag came up behind me, wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear. "When he gets back we can still torture him about it."

I kissed his cheek. "Make sure I don't enjoy it too much."

"No promises."

Mom called the warden and she drove up ten minutes later in her stupid air conditioned car. She walked over to X-ray.

I didn't listen to what she was saying because I was sitting at the bottom of Zigzag's hole with him and we were talking.

I eventually heard her screaming about filling the canteens. After about five minutes later I heard her tell mom to take X-ray back to camp.

I saw Armpit and Squid get some wheelbarrows out of the back of Mr. Sir's truck. The warden grabbed a pitchfork.

The warden put us to work deepening and widening our holes. Eventually these holes connected making a huge trench about two hundred feet long and ten feet deep The warden brought in guys from other tent groups to help out.

digging the trench was pure torture.

We weren't allowed to take breaks. When we stopped digging for a minute, the warden would scream at us and stab at us with her big pitchfork.

The only highlight was when X-ray was back. I "accidentally" hit him with my shovel a few times in the head.

On the second day, Armpit figured that he could try to get the day off by turning in one of the old TV dials and tell the warden he dug it up.

"Excuse me ma'am I think I found something." Armpit handed the warden the dial.

"Are you trying to be funny, or do you just think I'm stupid?" The warden asked. Her eyes were narrowed.

Armpit's face fell. "No ma'am I wasn't trying to be funny."

"Excuse me!"

Mr. Sir jumped in. "Well Armpit, your little joke just cost you a week of shower privileges."

"Aaahhhhh." We all groaned.

"Man, you're sleeping outside!" Squid yelled poking him in the shoulder.

After a few days, I walked up to the warden who was standing at the top of the trench  watching us do our work.

"Um, excuse me, but do you think we could take a break?" I asked and waited for her reaction.

She lowered her sunglasses.

"You can take a break when you've found something. Now back to work."

"But we've been digging for three days straight."

"I said back to work!"

She jabbed her pitchfork at me and sent me toppling over the side of the trench. A wave of pain rushed over me as I hit the ground.

Fortunately, I landed on something to break my fall.

Unfortunately, that something was X-ray and Squid.

"Oh, my god!" I'm so sorry Squid!"  I helped him up, being extra careful to stamp on X-ray's back in the process.

I noticed blood on his hand when he let go of me. I gripped his wrist and inspected it sharply.

"Oh my god! Did I really hurt you that badly?"

Squid started looking at something on my shoulder. "Darlin' that's not mine, it's yours." He started looking at the small,  bloody gashes on my left shoulder, no doubt given to me by the warden's pitchfork.

I went back to digging next to Zigzag but he seemed to notice the gashes too.

"Who did this to you?"

"The warden." I pretended not to take notice to his tone. "She said no breaks, apparently," I shrugged.

he started to where the warden was standing, fists clenched, but I laid a hand on his arm.

"Zig I'm fine."

"You're bleeding."


He sighed. "Give me your bandana."

I did as I was told. He doused it with water and placed it on my shoulder, then tied it around my arm.

"There.' He said. "We'll get something from the infirmary later."

I kissed his cheek. "My hero."

He kissed me back. "My Angel."

The girl at camp green lake. (A holes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now