Slit-mouthed woman

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The Slit-Mouthed Woman is an urban legend in Japan. It's about a woman who was the wife of a mentally-ill schizophrenic man. He claimed to heard voices telling him to murder, not only was he schizophrenic, he was also bipolar. His wife's name is 'Kuchisake Onna." This man had physically abused Kuchisake Onna in which she had grew unhappy with him.

When it has been discovered that Kuchisake had found another man behind his back and was planning on having a divorce with him to have this other man, he had grew major amounts of rage. Through this rage, he had knocked Kuchisake unconscious, but the moment that she woke up, she had discovered that he tied her up.

Taking a large pair of scissors, her murderous husband figured he would have to kill Kuchisake before she had divorced him. He then used the scissors to cut a permanent smile in to her face, spreading the cut from ear to ear. The large hideous grin left a permanent wound on her face, he then asked her, "Who will think you're pretty now?"

He then took the scissors and used it to decapitate Kuchisake, upon murdering her, he had realized what he had done. From guilt, he used the scissors to take his own life by stabbing himself in the chest.

Then the urban legend is born that the spirit of Kuchisake Onna walks around the streets of Japan. If you happen to encounter her, you see her wearing a large surgical mask around her face. She approaches you and says, "Am I pretty?" But before you can answer her, she removes the mask and asks, "Am I pretty now?"

Urban legend has it, if you reply to her saying, "You're ugly." She takes her scissors and uses it to remove your head much as she was killed but if you say, "You are pretty." She takes the scissors and stretches your mouth ear to ear making you look just as 'pretty' as her.

But then if you say, "You're average." She stops and gets confused giving you enough time to run off from her but still be careful. She possesses super-human strength and speed and is able to kill off people in the blink of an eye.

One day, this boy named John was just walking home from school before he was approached by her. She stopped in front of him and said, "Am I pretty?" But before he could answer her, she removed her mask and said, "Am I pretty now?" Terrified, John tried to run off but Kuchisake's cold left hand gripped him by the neck stopping him. Kuchisake's hand then forced John's head to turn rightwards thus breaking his neck.

He didn't die right there but the cops had come and Kuchisake was gone. They took him to the hospital and when his spinal cord had healed, he died from fear and his last words were, "The Slit Mouthed woman."

Chance was not the smartest person though but he had learned spirits could be banished by chanting the words, "I banish you to the Shadow of death, no evil or fear should be able to touch me. I send you back in to the Earth, back to the grave from which you have come."

Though, his mother had told him not to travel through the woods although there was a short cut to get home. Chance had came home from school one day and went in to the woods stupidly, walking across the dirt. But it was too late because he had spotted Kuchisake.

Kuchisake walked over to him and out of fear, Chance fell backwards landing on his back. She looked down at him and said, "Am I pretty?" Before Chance could answer, she removed her surgical mask and asked, "Am I pretty now?" Revealing the hideous and deformed face, Chance had heard the urban legend of the 'Slit-Mouthed woman' but did not believe it at first.

Now horrified, Chance took his left hand grabbing his cross necklace and began chanting the curse of the devil, "I banish you to the Shadow of death, I corrupt you to the netherworld from which no one has come from. In to the dirt no being should ever cross." Instead of chanting the words he knew, these words have done a tremendous thing.

Three demonic large hands rose from the dirt from behind Kuchisake grabbing at her left leg beginning to pull her underneath. Kuchisake shook while standing up trying to escape but then three more hands from behind her rose from the ground grabbing at her right leg beginning to force her body to sink. Kuchisake dropped her blade as the dirt around her began forcing her to sink.

Chance then realized that the demonic hands belonged to the tortured souls that Kuchisake had killed but they had been corrupted. The hands kept grabbing Kuchisake until she was half-way underneath, but then she jumped up grabbing at Chance's legs. Three more hands rose from the ground beginning to grab Chance as well but Chance was able to escape because he grabbed on to a tree with his left hand. Kuchisake lost her grip but then she looked up at Chance with dark words.

"I will be back, and I will too tear you to pieces." As the large monstrous hands was able to pull Kuchisake deep underneath the dirt to Hell, the hands then sunk back in to the ground as well. Chance was scared so he stood up and quickly ran back home.

Now urban legend has it that Kuchisake will return to Japan one day and continue to seek the vengeance of the death of herself. But she will come back even more decomposed, half of her face will be half skeleton, and she will be a lot worse. Some believe that she has already returned and if she did, be sure not to give her the wrong answer.

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