Black eyed children

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In the late 1990s, a journalist named Brian Bethel had an unnerving experience in his town of Abilene, Texas , where he works for the 'Abilene Reporter-News', the local newspaper. Whether or not you believe his accounts of his experience, you should know that this is a real person – so at the very least, we know the premise of this scary urban legend is not a hoax – there is at least one person on the record (and a journalist no less) who claims that this happened to him.

Brian posted about this unsettling encounter in a mailing list in 1998, but he has since stated that the actual event probably occurred in the summer of 1996. He was in the town of Abilene, sitting in his car and attempting using the light of a nearby building – a movie theatre – to try a write out a check to pay his internet provider. He hears someone tapping on the window on the driver's side. He looks up and sees two boys, neither of them older than about 16. They're dressed in hoodies, standing outside his locked car door.

He rolls down the window, not sure of what to expect, when the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand on end. An inexplicable dread-like fear grabs hold of him. One of the boys begins to talk to Brian, and the boy explains that he and his friend need a ride – that they wanted to go to catch a movie, but they left their cash at home and needed a ride home to fetch it.

While the conversation seemed innocuous, the paralyzing fear the Brian felt hadn't dispersed – in fact, the pit of dread in his stomach continued to expand. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way, but he was terribly afraid.

As the conversation continued, Brian glanced up at the theatre building. He saw that the last movie of the night had already begun – by the time he drove the two boys home and got back to the theatre, there wouldn't any movies left for them to see. As Brian thought about this, the older boy, the one was doing all the speaking, started to get more pushy. He was saying that they were just kids, and that it wouldn't take long. He said that it's not like they were armed or anything.

This last part only unsettled Brian even more.

Despite his fear, he felt his hand straying towards the lock on the car door – when he realized this, he yanked his hand away. He looked up at the boys to see if they had registered his unnaturally hand movements – and that's when he claims his blood ran cold.

Both the children had eyes that were fully black as pitch. No iris. No pupil.

That's when Brian's panic reached its apex – he muttered an apology, hastily rolled up the window, and drove away with haste. As his car pulled away, the older boy knocked on the window with some force. Brian claims he then said the following:

"We can't come in unless you tell us it's OK. LET US IN."

As Brian hurriedly drove away, he looked back in his rearview mirror. The two boys were gone.

Being a journalist, Brian recorded what he saw, which is why the accounts of his experience are so well preserved, even across different sources.

After Brian's detailed and thorough recounting of his experience got buzz on the internet, there have many more people coming out of the woodwork who claim to have had similar experiences. Many of them share similarities – it always seems to be groups of two children, though they apparently aren't always two boys. They always seem to asking for help – some people report that the children knock late and night and ask to use their restrooms. There is even one case of a Marine claiming that he had a similar experience in his barracks. The children also seem to consistently request that they be 'Let inside' – whether it's a car, a house, or a military barracks, it seems they cannot enter where they aren't invited.

It's unknown what actually happens if you let the BEK (Black Eyed Kids) in – those who have done so may not be around to give us the details of their encounters. It may be that the entire thing is a hoax. But if that's the case, why would Brian Bethel, by all accounts a normal person and a successful journalist, put his reputation and credibility on the line by making up a story?

I don't know for sure whether this creepy urban legend is true or not – on the other hand, I know exactly what to do if two young kids ever tap on my car window in the dead of night, asking for a ride.

I won't even roll down the windows.

Black Eyed Children – A Small time Journalist has a Spine Tingling Encounter

black eyed children b.e.k urban legend playwithdeathImagine if you will, in the dead of night, you hear a knock on your door. You look through the peephole to see a child or teenager asking to use the phone. Or you are walking alone in a deserted area when you are then approached by hooded figures in the form of children who are in need of your help. Only there is something off about them. For one, you feel a sense of dread and terror as they approach. And if you're brave enough to stick around, you might see them look into your eyes. Only what is seen are dead black eyes devoid of any humanity. This is the mystery surrounding the phenomena of the Black Eyed Children, a story that has gained increasing popularity around the internet for decades.

The urban legend of the Black Eyed Children, or Black Eyed Kids (B.E.K.s), has been circulating the net since about 1998 when a journalist named Brian Bethel wrote about a close encounter while sitting in his parked car. Two boys came by and asked for a ride home explaining that they were on their way to the movies and had forgotten to bring money. Bethel was tempted momentarily to comply, but his better judgment told him to hesitate.

Children with Jet Black Eyes

That was when they looked up and Brian realized why he had such an ominous feeling about the situation. Both the kids had what he described as "coal black eyes". Suffice to say, he was quick to flee the area and then documenting what would be the first of many encounters with these entities.

black eyed children b.e.k playwithdeathThe legend is basically the same premise but occurring in different situations across the nation. A young person anywhere from 6 to 16 approaches you at night when you're alone. They ask you for help- either to use your phone because they are lost or have to come inside to use your bathroom. Sometimes the B.E.K.s even offer to help you but whatever they really want, the description is usually the same. These "kids" are dressed in plain clothes like jeans and hoodies or sometimes old fashioned Amish style dress.

Some have been seen late at night, usually around 10p.m.-3 a.m. walking the streets waiting for their chance to approach an unsuspecting stranger. There have been alleged reports of them scouting out and trying to get in houses, but the main mystery is in their eyes. Totally black and the desire to have someone let them in but only if they are invited.

A man named Ezekiel Finch has reported of his encounters in online forums. He has claimed to have had visits from the B.E.K.s two of the most intense being in very cold weather. He saw them one night standing in a crowd of people, two loners staring at him with black eyes and flat smiles. Steam could be seen coming from everyone else standing around in the cold but not the other two.

"People breathe all the time. They inhale before speaking, and that's it," Finch said. "When they did speak you didn't see anything. Not a damn thing. Everyone else had visible breath, they didn't."

In his second encounter, Finch actually spoke with one. "I had the displeasure of conversing with one as she tried to convince me it was fine for her to be invited into my home," Finch said. "It was 30 degrees, snow on the ground, and she was wearing a tiny mini skirt and a spaghetti-strapped top just standing there."

The girl tried to convince him to let her inside and he thought maybe she was on drugs or lost. Then he noticed something even stranger. "There was no reaction to the cold, no visible breath, no inhaling," he said. "She could care less about the temperature, or breathing."

He believes they aren't even human. "They want you to be at ease. They want you to feel safe, to feel like they are harmless. You want you to give them a ride or let them in," he said. "They are predators."

So what happens if you do let one in? Such an encounter can be read here: Pararational .

An author named David Weatherly has written a book about this creepy conspiracy entitled "Black Eyed Children" which offers numerous first hand experiences as well as the supernatural elements surrounding this unnerving legend in the making.

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