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I just turned into a woodchuck. A WOODCHUCK! It is ridiculous. I watched Annie storm up to him and say, "You turn him back right now."

"I can turn them all back in exchange for my freedom." That was his response. "No, Annie. Don't let him go." I thought. Everyone stayed completely quiet. Annie thought about his deal. She looked at me. Her eyes had determination, but they also held no choice, but to go with his deal.

She said, "Fine, but you change them back first. Then, you can go. No one will stop you." That last part was directed to everyone else. Next thing I know, I'm human, again. I looked at Annie. She looked like she wanted to hug me, but she didn't. She turned back to Cragery.

"Now, go." She said

"I will, but I never said that won't take someone with me." With that Cragery disappeared in a cloud of smoke. And so did Annie.

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