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- Volume I -

Learning to Fall

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria ...

... all was lost. The virtues of friendship were thrown away - drowned beneath the tides of the Great War. Life as everypony knew it came apart in a matter of hours. Balefire megaspells, the products of a long and protracted war with the Zebras, fell from the sky, and millions of lives were extinguished, blown away like candle light in the wind. 

As Equestria burned, the Crystal Empire, the only bastion to the nightmares of a Fallen King, collapsed with the rest of the world in a pyre of spellfire. With the floodgates to the Frozen North parted, a sinister, aberrant darkness fell upon the ashen drifts of the Northern Wasteland.

200 years have passed since the North was plunged into utter darkness, and life, a lingering taste in the mouth of this abyss, struggles to persist in a world devoid of virtue. Mercenaries, criminals, and monsters – pony and mutant alike, thrive in this Goddesses-forsakened wasteland. 

But even then, they are the least of greater evils, for when the bombs fell, long ago, the world was not reborn in spellfire, but in darkness.

Unbeknownst to the nightmarish horrors that swept over the world above them, the ponies of Stable 91, one of many underground shelters designed to spare their inhabitants from the apocalypse, sleep softly within the comforts of their white halls. 

But it was only a matter of time before their precious little world fell apart and they awoke, screaming, with not a single ray of light to touch their facesever again.

Fallout: Equestria - Rising DawnWhere stories live. Discover now