Chapter 1

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Macy's POV

" Macy! Hurry up " mom shouts.

" Coming mom! " I scream back.

Here I am, on a Saturday, I should be snuggled up in my dorm room bed but instead I'm lifting sweaty heavy boxes. For once I'm actually sad that it's sunny. There isn't even an hint of wind blowing and dad is draining bottles of water so fast I'm worried about him.

Mom and dad are moving back to Scotland, we used to live there for 2 years when I was younger.

I am taking boxes from the garage and putting them in the moving truck. The truck will reach Scotland two days before my parents since the truck is leaving now and my parents will be taking the plane on Monday morning.

The box falls from my hands resulting in pieces of glass falling every where since the box contained my grandma's old china. Well, I'm not getting any gold medal for this.

Frowning, I start picking up the the cups which aren't broken. My hands brush over a picture that has somehow made its way in the box.

The picture's of my parents holding a baby-me in there hands. There's also someone who looks like a 10-year old boy in the picture.

" MACY!!! you broke my favorite china set!!!" Mom scolds.

Ignoring her, I continue to stare at the picture. The boy looks familiar though I've never seen him before.

After a moment, mom finally seems to realize what I'm staring at.

" Give me that! " she snatches the picture out of my hands, looking awfully worried.

" Who is that " I ask still confused.

" No one " she replies while walking back into the house.

I really need to ask her what that was all about, why does he look so familiar and why is he in our family picture.

" Macy, can you help me? " dad asked in a loud voice from the balcony.

" Sure " I reply shortly.

My questions will have to wait for later, I guess.


This is our first story so please go easy on us.

I know the beginning is bad but promise it will get better :)

This chappie is unedited.


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