Red Rock

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  • Dedicated to Luke Jenkins

Hey eveyone. This is my first story on wattpad and I'm scared that no one will read it. So I'm hoping for one read, one comment and one vote and I'll be the happiest person ever.

So thanks and here goes xxx


Summer is the best.

No doubt about it.

I love it so, so much.

It's the time where anything can happen.

Summer romances.
Those summer traditions. Summer parties.

It's what living is all about, and summer at Red Rock is always amazing, something always happens.

Well, this summer was explosive.


I love our summer house, well it's our house all year round, all the time, but I call it our summer house in the summer, this is a weird tradition of mine, (sorry I'm rabbling).

It's gorgeous, with an amazing wrap around balcony which you can see the whole stretch of the beach from and 4 gorgeous double bedrooms. We bought it when I was baby and moved from New York. My Mum left soon after and I haven't seen her since then. Not that I remember her or anything. So it's just me, my older brother Joel who's 18 and my Dad. I never ask my Dad or Joel why she left. They never seem to talk about her or want to. So I feel like it's not my business to ask.

Our house is next door to the Turner boys, Cole; 19 years old, tall, broad shoulders, dark green eyes, light brown hair, he always has a grin on his face, which says 'look at me'. Kane; 18 years old, tall, handsome, has the greenest eyes I've ever seen and a cute mass of chocolate brown hair on his head, he was very handsome. Wyatt; 16 years old, the youngest of the Turner boys, with gorgeous light green eyes, that were almost turquoise, he was tall for his age and had a well worked out body. His hair a mixture of blonde and brown and his grin on his face always made you grin back, he was cute.

We grew up with them, and have become really, really close friends. It always seemed weird being the only girl. I never complained then and I'm still not now. Even though they just look at me like a little girl still. Their little sister.

My name is Lyric Riley. But everyone calls me Rics, or Rico. I'm 15 years old, 16 very soon and am becoming very sick and tired of just being the little girl, the boys seem to see me as.


It's 2.00pm in the afternoon and we're all at Red rock. It's this massive swimming pool carved into Red rocks. It's stunning, the suns always blazing onto it, making the water warm and lovely, plus seeing the ocean right outside it, but knowing it can't get in is amazing. They put diving boards into the cliff at different levels. It's honestly the best outdoor swimming pool in the world. (In my opinion anyway)

Anyway, my brother and Kane are up in the cliffs diving off the boards, being watched by 'oohs' and 'ahhh's' of pathetic girls drooling over them. Wyatt's lifeguarding today and is sat proudly on his white seat surveying his land, and Cole's making out in the corner of the pool with some blonde girl. I'm lying on the sun lounges on my towel, wearing my polka dot red and white bikini, feeling very self-conscious for some reason, getting more tanned. My big black sunglasses were covering my eyes. I don't know how long I was lying there, until, some water splashed my stomach, I sat up, my mouth opened in shock, I took off my glasses, Wyatt was laughing his head off at me,

"Wyatt you little git, I'm going to get you for that" I shrieked, getting up and chasing him around the pool.

"Gotta catch me first" he sang, I was fast, but he was faster. I did eventually catch him up, but that was only because he got distracted by this girl talking to him. I jumped on his back,

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