Chapter; 13 School Trip (part I)

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Chapter 13 is up!


-Love Addie. :)



Chapter; 13 School Trip (part I)

Today was the day, we were going to a school trip, and we were told it was a physical knowledge and fun trip but we knew that nobody goes there for some knowledge but the second option. We were going to a farmhouse and then for camping. Damn I was excited, I was sure it was going to be fun...

I woke up at six am because I set my alarm that way, I had to pack my stuff and get ready. I leisurely hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom; I took a refreshing shower and went to select my clothes. I decided to go for a navy blue and white short tee, along with jeans shorts and my favourite blue hoodie. Putting my clothes on I walked over to my bed to get my shoes from beneath it; they were blue high tops. I planted them on. Done with the clothes, now I was standing In front of my mirror trying to guess how to keep my lovely brown hair. Yes, the only feature I loved about me was my hair.

First, I applied cream, and keeping my face natural, I minimally applied a little gloss. I finally tied my hair into fishtail braid and accessorized myself with blue studs and a white and blue hair-band. I was such a matching freak.

I took my huge hiking bag out and start stuffing important things in it; my pajamas, Doritos, teeth brush, hair brush, my laptop (I cannot just stay away from it, tech-savvy, oh yeah I am) more junk food and some books to read. Besides the fact that we were going for just 24 hours but I planned myself for a week including all the girly necessities knowing that I was due not before the upcoming week. I was weird as always.

My phone beeped:

Austin: Hi, how are you. No texts? Forgot me already. :P

LOL this dude was funny...I texted him a hundred times yesterday, chatting all day, and he was saying that I didn't text him.

Me: Austy! Busty! What are you doing so early in the morning; I thought you weren't coming after trying to convince you for like, hundred times yesterday.

In a matter of seconds, I got his reply, that made me outrageous,

Austin: What's up with the nickname, I must say not so cool. And yeah I had already planned that I am gonna come and I excused my dad too, but you know, I love to play games with you. :D

Me: Fear the wrath of me, bas-turd. I hate you, Imma gonna kill ya today... -_-

Austin: Ooooh I am scared, love you too girl. See you in twenty. I am going to pick you up, make sure to have your breakfast, you don't wanna eat you bf, now do you? :P

This guy was going down today. I rushed downstairs to find my daddy dressed up in suit and reading newspaper in the kitchen. Mom made me my regular breakfast, which was already served on the counter. I walked to my dad, kissed his forehead, and got a warm hug in return.

"Oh darling, I am going to miss you." Dad said.

"Miss me? Where are you going?"

In response, he frowned and letting a sigh said;

"I have to go to Los Angeles for a month because that case is quite complicating and it'll take time."

What? Why did he have to leave us every time, we never got along these days, his work is always a headache.

"Why for so long? Come-on! We don't even get a family weekend these days, I hate your relationship with your work it always tries to break us apart." I said desolately.

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