Chapter 6

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Jax watched his mom tend to her cockatoo while Clay sipped on his coffee while he read the morning paper. It was the morning after Abel's incident at school, and after spending the night at his home, he decided to head straight to his mom's house. His mom didn't ask him what happened as he walked through the door. He knew she wanted to as he could clearly see it in her face. Instead, she decided to make him a decent breakfast for him and Clay and they had a quiet breakfast. He knew as soon as the last of his food left his plate his mom was going to begin the next inquisition.

"You spend the night with Vanessa and the boys?" His mom asked as she gave her bird some food. Her question even had Clay divert his attention from his paper to him.

The fact of the matter was he did spend the night in his house for the first time in a while. He didn't know how long he and Vanessa stood in Sophia's room until Vanessa cried herself into exhaustion. He got her into bed with no resistance where she took a nap until he woke her up for dinner with some greasy fast food from Lumpy's. He expected her to kick him out after putting the boys down for bed instead she let him stay in their bed. Nothing happened, not that he expected something to happen. But it was nice going to sleep with his wrapped in his arms for the first time in over a year.

He and Vanessa were woken up by Abel and Thomas jumping on the bed. Usually something like that would piss him off, but his boys were happy that he seemed to be home. Vanessa was quiet, however, and to not push his boundaries, he took a quick shower while Vanessa did her morning routine with the boys for school before he left to come here.

Jax gave his mom a look as he didn't know why she was asking something when she clearly knew the answer too. Jax took a long sip of his coffee before he spoke. "Abel got into a fight with Spencer Davis." He started and he watched his mom's face scrunch up as they were all aware about the Davis' reputation. "Spencer was saying things about me and Vanessa and Abel reacted."

"What the hell did the little shit say?" Gemma asked hotly.

Jax sighed as he placed the coffee mug down. "It doesn't matter."

"The hell it does." Gemma snapped, the peaceful mood dissipating, "I told Vanessa not to send your son to that pompous school with those stuck up bitches."

Jax groaned as he felt a headache already forming behind his eyes. "Ma –"

"Isn't his mom that Brittany wench?" Gemma voiced aloud or more to Clay than him before her eyes narrowed back onto him. "You still planning to send him to the head shrink?"

"Ma," Jax said sternly as his hands ran down his face. He was only telling his mom as a courtesy as if he didn't it would cause a bigger headache for him and Vanessa down the road. "He isn't going to the psychologist."

"Well what's going on, Jackson?" Gemma asked exasperated as she grabbed and lit a cigarette.

"That kid provoked him by saying stuff about me not living at home and...and Sophia." He watched his mom's face fall as she leaned back into her chair, her cigarette burning brightly in her grasp. Her face was unreadable for a few seconds before her blank mask came back up. She opened her mouth, but Clay beat her.

"You need to contain this shit Jax." Clay spoke up as he eyed him.

Jax was surprised his step father would say anything as he thought this would categorize as old lady business and this happened off the lot. But he knew Clay loved Vanessa as a daughter. Vanessa was the mother of his grandchildren. She was family. Vanessa was just not someone important to him, but his brothers loved her and would protect her as fiercely as him. He knew his brothers would never try to insert themselves in his business with Vanessa. Even though Vanessa wasn't just pussy, but his wife – his old lady – brothers minded their tongues. However, he knew what he and Vanessa were going through his brothers probably didn't like it as much as he did. So those simple words made him feel like shit.

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