Why her?

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I frowned as I took in the white room, again. But what hurt me more was that I wasn't in the bed but instead my daughter was. Faith laid lifeless, and motionless as she took I steady breathes.

In the accident, me and Mark walked away with only a few scratches and bruises but Faith took the worse. She had to be rushed to the hospital way to quick. She had a broken arm, a few cuts to the head, and a broken leg.

"Has she woken up yet?" Mark asked as he entered the room.

"Sadly, no." I replied, pulling his arm.

"I should have been paying attention to the road." I took the coffee cups away from his hands and setting them on the table.

"This wasn't your fault, things happen and we can't control it," I told him trying to cheer him up.

"But it is, if I hadn't taken my eyes off of the road then she wouldn't be in here." I frowned as he hung his head low.

"Mark, please it's nobody's fault." He shook his head, leaving from his chair and walking out of the room.

I started to cry as the door closed shut. My life was screwed and now this had to happen to Faith. She was too young and if she dies I have no clue what's going to happen. I needed her in my life, and if she left it would be worthless. Faith was everything to me, she basically was my life. After almost seven years, I've grown close to her. Too close. But she was my flesh and blood, I created her.

I gripped onto Faith's hand. I didn't want to lose her and right now my mind was telling me I was and I didn't need that.

"Don't leave me Faith," I whispered and leaned my head on the bed.


"Michaela," a voice whispered.

I groggily stretch from my spot, rubbing my eyes as I looked up to the dark figure.

"What?" I asked, sleepily.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I frowned as I recognized the voice.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped.

"She is my daughter, I do have a right to know how she's doing." He glared at me before his eyes turned to Faith and sadden.

"Sorry, I didn't expect you to come here." I apologies.

"It's ok, Mark told me about the accident and I came as soon as possible," he explained.

I didn't say much as I watched him stare at Faith and his body began to shake and a few sniffles. I frowned as he took her hand slowly and I knew he didn't want to lose her either.

"Is she ever going to wake up?" He asked suddenly.

"They say she might in the next couple of days but they aren't just sure yet. She didn't have any head trauma but based on her injuries they can't really tell." He nodded his head but his eyes never left her.

"Can we talk in private, please?" Louis asked and I knew exactly what he wanted to talk about.

"Why? I don't want to speak about this, Louis. I just want to move on and I have now it's your turn and you need to except that. I just can't have you do that again to me. I don't want to be hurt and right now my hearts in two as I look at Faith looking lifeless in front of me." He looked down and nodded his head slowly.

"I understand everything your saying but you should know that it wouldn't happen again. You know me too well and in your head you believe that I won't hurt you." I turned my gaze away from Louis knowing that what he was saying was true but still, I had Mark and I wanted him.

"Louis, you need to leave." I didn't want to say it but I had to, I couldn't listen to this.

"Michaela, please listen to me. I love you and I can't handle that fact that your not mine. I hate knowing that your with him and not me...." I stopped him.

"Louis, your already making this hard on me. Right now I only want to worry about Faith, and only Faith. I can't worry about you or my relationship with Mark." He stood up quickly and left the room but before he did, he looked at Faith.

I watched as he slammed the door shut leaving me alone with Faith again. Mark came in with a few snacks for me to eat on since I really haven't eaten since I was brought her. Which was two days ago.

"Here, so what happen? I saw Louis storming off all pissed." I just waved it off and bite into the green apple.


"You know you can tell me anything," Mark told me and I nodded.

"We were only talking about what happen to Faith, I guess he didn't like the idea of her dying," I lied even though I knew he could see past it.

"None of us like the idea of her dying and I wouldn't want her to," Mark said and I felt the pain.

I placed my hand on his and he looked up at me sadly. "We aren't going to lose her, she's too strong to let go," I told him.

He smiled and kissed me slightly before pulling away, giving my hand a little squeeze.

"Did any of the Christmas survive the crash?" I asked, not caring really but I just wanted to know.

"Yeah, they all are ok and are sitting on your bed in the flat." I smiled.

"I just hope before Christmas she wakes up, I don't want to celebrate christmas without her," I admitted.

"Without her I don't think Christmas would be the same." I nodded.

Mark and me smiled at each other and I popped a fruit snack into my mouth. Mark frowned and stole one and popped it into his mouth and smirked at me. I laughed slightly and quickly stole a kiss from his lips.



Omg, so Faith almost died in a car accident! Don't worry she wasn't since I have the next book planned out already and I need her.

So we're getting close to the last couple of chapters and it sad to say that this book will be ending. Noo! Sadly, I'm quiet excited to start the next book. (With a friend, she know who she is)

Ok, comment and vote what cha think about this chapter.

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