I want..

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~ Michaela's POV ~

I watched as Faith ran towards the school. Her bag swining with her strides. I smiled before pulling away and headig down the busy streets. I gripped the steering wheel as I thought of my lunch plans with Louis today. I had made up my mind and I truly hopped it was for the best. I made this desision with Faith in mind.

"Michaela, your working the cash register today." I nodded walking past her to the back, placing my stuff quickly in my locker.

I didn't like the idea of taking this as my second job but I need the money and it got my mind off of Louis. It made me focus on other things that were more important. That being Faith.

"Hey Michaela." I smiled at Celia, my eyes beaming with joy as I embraced her into a hug.

"Thank god your working today." I beamed.

She laughed, running her hand through her rich black locks. "Same, she's a real pain in the ass."

I nodded, making my way towards my register.

"What's your positions today?" I asked as I checked and counted the money.

"She's got me on stock, which I much rather mange the register." I lightly chuckled, closing the drawer.

"She knows all were gonna do is talk." I joked, placing my elbows on the counter and smiling up at her.

"Yeah, but I had so much to talk about." She whined.

"Talk about what." I asked, my eyebrow raised.

"My date remember. I've talked about it for the past week." I looked at her confused before it came to my mind.

"Oh, your date with Angel." She excitedly nodded her head.

"Celia, get back to your station!" Fern yelled, irritated.

"See ya." I said, watching as she walked away.


"How longs my break, Fern?" I asked collecting my bag and jacket.

"I'll give you thirty minutes." She said, walking away coldly.

I groaned but quickly made my way out of the shop rushing towards my car. The cafe was not far from my job but the faster I got there the more time I had with Louis.

I held the mug in my hand as I waited for Louis. I just received a text saying he would be here any minute. I just wanted to get this done and over with so I could get back to work. But the thought made my heart race ten times faster.

"Hey." I looked up as Louis walked over a beanie covering his hair, and a pair of dark sunglasses covered his eyes.

"Hey." I simply replied back.

He smiled taking a seat in the chair in front of me. Taking his glasses off.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" he asked, fiddling with his glasses.

"About us." I blurted out.

"So you thought about it." I nodded, taking a sip real quick.

"Yes, I have and..." I froze, my palms quickly becoming sweaty, my hands shaking.


"And I've decided that I would go with my heart.."

"Your staying with Mark aren't you?" he interrupted.

"So you've expected me to stay with Mark?" I asked, anger fuming through me.

"Yeah, I did. I know you don't care enough about me so I started to believe you would stay with him." I frowned.

"Bloody hell Louis! I want you but I see that maybe my decision is wrong." He stared at my shocked, confused.

"You want to be with me?" Louis asked.

I nodded taking his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together.

"I want you and only you." I smiled.

He grinned looking down at our hands, his eyes beamed with happiness.

"I love you, Michaela."

"I love you too." I replied, grabbing a fist full of his shirt and connecting our lips.


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