Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lauren's POV

            The metal bat met the ball with a loud smack, sending it sailing towards left field and in my direction. I jogged forward, situating myself under where I projected it would land. I felt a heavy impact against my glove as I turned it up, skillfully fielding the white softball. I smiled as I threw the ball to third base, relieved to have secured the final out of the inning.

            "Nice catch," Gigi (my co-captain) jogged over to me as I made way towards the dugout. "God knows we needed that out." I nodded in agreement.

            "Thanks," I hummed, grabbing a bat and making my way in front of the dugout. I took a few strong practice swings before pressing the end bat into the dirt at my feet.

            "Okay, if you or Mani can make it home before the inning is over, we can break the tie. You will probably have to steal bases but we'll work our hardest to send you home. Just do what you do best." Gigi explained through the grey wiring of the dugout. I simply blinked in understanding. I looked at Normani, who was standing at home plate getting ready to hit the first pitch that came her way. This was an important game and we all knew it. We were all determined to beat University of Central Florida after we had lost to them last season.

            "No pressure," I whispered so no one could hear. Taking a few more practice swings, I put my bat down and watched Normani at home plate. She took her stance and wiggled the bat between her hands, getting ready to send the ball sailing as soon as it came in her direction.

My mind drifted off for the thousandth time during the game. I started thinking about the person who had been consuming my thoughts all day – Camila. She hadn't replied to my last text. I figured she was just trying to get into game mode, like she had claimed. But I had shot her another text wishing her good luck in her game and had received no response since. That's part of the reason why I was so anxious for this game to be over; so I could check my phone to see if Camila had texted me back. Unfortunately, coach would kill me if ever saw me looking at my phone during a game (even for a second) so I would just have to wait.

Ugh. I pressed my bat harder into the dirt. Why did I have to be so flirty with her? At the time I thought it wasn't a big deal, that we were just having a silly conversation between friends. But as I reread the texts between us for the thousandth time, I could tell that what I was saying easily could have sounded flirty to her. I hadn't meant for it to sound like that. I mean, I hadn't been intentionally flirting with her. We were friends now. Camila's friendship had quickly become extremely important to me. She was different than anyone I'd ever met, in a good way. Everything was so good up until now, and I wanted it to stay that way. But I had fucked everything up (typical). I probably scared her off with my overly flirty personality. I was like that with a lot of people, right? Maybe I didn't text like that with a lot of girls, but I'd been told thousands of times that I had a flirty personality. It wasn't malicious and I wasn't desperate for attention or anything. I just like people, I guess that comes across suggestively when I'm just trying to be friendly.

"Out!" the umpire yelled from behind home plate, bringing me back to reality.

"What? That was definitely a ball!" Normani began to argue with him.

"Don't question my calls," he snipped.

"Listen here-" Mani started before quickly being interrupted.

"Normani!" Coach yelled, giving her a stern look and beckoning her over to the dugout.

"Sorry coach," Normani grumbled as she walked into the dugout.

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