Long Ago..

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Long ago.. two races ruled the earth, Humans... and Monsters.. one day humans heard tales of a monster stealing a human soul and becoming more powerful. Thus the humans raged war against the monsters. After a long fight the humans won the war and sealed the monsters under Mt.Ebot with a magical barrier that only a human soul could pass. A few years later after the monsters were sealed under Mt.Ebot a child climbed the Moutain and had tripped and fell into the underground. At the bottom was a bed of golden flowers that had cushioned the humans fall. After hours of lying unconscious the human finally woke up to a someone calling to them. "Hello? Are you okay?" Asked the creature. "My name is Asriel." Asriel had helped the human up of the ground. "What's your name human?" Asked Asriel. "C-chara.." said the human. "Well you seem a bit hurt, thank goodness those golden flowers were there or you might have not ended up in one piece." Exclaimed Asriel. "I should take you to see my Mom so she can patch you up." Said Asriel. "O-okay" said Chara. So Asriel helped Chara walk through the ruins until they reached a old looking house. "Asriel?" A women had called out. "Mom!" Exclaimed Asriel. "Mom this human needs help they fell down the Moutain and now they're hurt." Said Asriel "Oh my, well let me see what I can do then" said the women. A few minutes later. "There we go all better." Said the women. "T-thank you." Said Chara. "Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Queen Toriel" said the women. "Your a Q-queen?" Said Chara. "Oh of course I am dearist. I'm Queen of the monsters. Would you like to meet my husband, his name is Asgore, he's the king." Said Toriel. "Y-Yes ma'am." Said Chara. Toriel took Chara by the hand and walked them outside to where Asriel and the king were waiting. "Your okay!" Exclaimed Asriel. Asgore looked curiously at the human. "It's been so long sense we've seen a human here underground. Good to see that your doing well young human. Asriel here was telling me how he found you." Said Asgore."It has hasn't it Asgore." Said Toriel. "Hm so how did you fall down here anyway?" Asked Asgore. "I'd rather not talk about it.." Said Chara. "Hm.. Well seeing as theres still a lot of renovation still being done to most of the underground you should stay here with us. Well be like a family." Said Asgore. "O-Oh uh okay.. I'm okay with that." Said Chara. Asriel hugs Chara with Joy. "Well looks like I'm your new brother then. I can show you around most of the underground  then. Come on let's go!" Said Asriel. "Now now Asriel let's not be in such a rush. Chara must be still pretty tired after the day they have had, let them rest for a while longer. And so the dreemurs took care of chara for the next year and a half until one day. The human fell Ill and without the proper medicine the dreemurs had no clue on what to do. Asriel sat by Charas side. "Chara I don't like this plan anymore." Whispered Asriel. "Asriel don't doubt me on this. Just remember what to do. And please promise me one thing. When I die please take my body to my village and lay my body in the golden flowers so I can see them one last time." Said Chara. Asriel slowly nods his head. Charas soul slowly floated away from there body cracking in mid air. Asriel reached his hand out to it absorbing the soul. Asriel transforms into a more powerful and older looking form of himself. Asriel then picks up Charas body and carrys it out of the house. The creak of the floor boards woke Toriel and Asgore. Asriel steps through the barrier with Toriel and Asgore following behind him only to be stopped by the barrier. Asriel heads down the Moutain and heads to the middle of the nearby town. Ariel makes his way to the golden flower bed and lays Charas body there. Humans came from there houses with pich forks, torches, spears, and other weapons. Asriel rushed to pick up Charas body and carry it back to Mt.Ebot. As Asriel ran from the town he was struck in the back by a spear. After a few hours of walking back up the Moutain Asriel walked back through the barrier with Charas body in hand. Asriel drops to his knees as Tories and Asgore come to his aid. But it was to late Asriel slowly turned to dust. That night the underground was filled with sorrow. The humans had taken everything from them once agian. Asgore in a fit of rage said that he would go to war again with the humans and any human that falls down Mt.Ebot would be killed. Toriel was ashamed of Asgores actions and left. To this day no one knows what happened to her. Thus this is how one story ends and another begins.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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