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"Chewey, Let's have our lunch" Seriously I want myself to be free from them. They are somewhat annoying. They keep talking with me when in fact I always ignore their topic. 

"I'm going somewhere" Far from you. I fix my things and walk past them. I saw the boys shrug. I already know them.  

I rather be alone. 

I choose to unwind on the rooftop. I rested myself on the bench. Glad that the tree is shielding me from the sunset. It's quite beautiful and can make me calm.

What kind of world are we in now? It's the year 2025 when Faction is important. You must be curious why our faction needs to hide from the 4 factions. Even, I don't know the reason. Sometimes I can't understand my mom.

I rested my body on the bench and closed my eyes. My body needs this.
I don't know how long I slept but when I woke up, I saw someone staring at me.

What the!

I jump off my feet and look at her. My face furrowed.

"Who are you?" She asked. I look at her uniform. Black and White? With four stars and Sana? Her name is Sana. She has a blonde hair. A fluffy cheeks. Beautiful eyes. A thin lips. Her skin is pale. But all in all, she's beautiful.

I snapped when I realized what she was wearing. Oh shit! Idol Faction! Someone saw me! No!

I saw the door behind her. All I need to do is run.

"What is your name? What faction are you from?"

I hold a grip and without hesitation, I run towards the door and start running. I heard her shouting but I didn't look back.

"야! 너 이름이 뭐가! (Yah! What is your name!)"  I can understand her but I need to run away from her. No one should see me. She can't find me.

When I look back she's nowhere to be seen. So I decided to go back to our room. Everyone looks at me as I open the door. I didn't bother to give a care and sit like nothing happened.
This is me. I don't give a care. I don't give a shit. Just leave me alone and we are good.

"Hey, why are you sweating so much? Did you run?" Nayeon asked. I touched my forehead. Oh? I'm sweating so much.

I open my bag and grab a towel. Shit. That blonde girl. She made me run.

"Need some water?" Jeongyeon offered to me.

"No thanks." I declined and continued wiping the sweat.

"Why did you run? What happened?" Tsk! Can they stop bothering me?!

I remember what happened. I hope no one saw me while running and hiding from that girl. It will be a big trouble for me.
"Can you leave me alone?" I bluntly said and they all left in front of me.

Aish! That blonde girl! What the hell is she doing there? How did she enter our building? It's not allowed to enter but why? Aish! I'm going crazy!

"야! 맞아! You are here! Why did you run a while ago?" Oh shit! How did she find me here? I look at her and her eyes are roaming behind me. "Who are you"

I look at everyone who is as shocked as me. I heard Sowon something. "This is trouble"

Trouble... We are all doomed!!!



"Sana!" The annoying Mark again. Aish. Why he can't stop bothering me?
I just rolled my eyes when he sat beside me. We are currently in the canteen having our lunch. I'm with Momo and Mina. Suddenly this annoying guy joined us.

"Sana, You should run now." I confusingly look at Momo who is looking at me worriedly.

"Don't tell me.." another problem. Aish! What a pain in the ass.

"Sana my loves!" The fuck! I know that voice! It's from V! If Mark is annoying. V is the pain in the ass. I looked at Momo and Mina and they both nodded.

"Where are you going, Sana?" Mark holds a grip on me.

"A place where there is no like you. " I said and stormed out. I ran as fast as I could. I heard V keep shouting my name but I didn't look back. Aish! They ruin my peaceful lunch again! What kind of life is this? It's hard to act normal when everyone treats you as a normal person. Who am I?

I'm Kim Sana, 18 years old. A 4-star Idol Trainee of Idol Faction in Lane Academy.

I found myself in the restricted building. I decided to run over to the rooftop. Without hesitation, I opened the door of the rooftop and caught some air.

I saw a girl sleeping on the bench. Who is she? Why do I only see her now? I come closer and observe her bea... Her face. She's sleeping like a kid. Who is she? I roam my eyes to her body... Why is she wearing a different uniform? Eh? It is The name of our school.

I watched her sleeping. Hmmmm. She's beautiful. Her lips are... Snap yourself, Sana! Her violet hair is quite amazing. She's a goddess. But who is she?

I stepped backward when she opened her eyes and jumped off the bench when she saw me.

"Who are you?" I asked. She looks at me. I mean, I think she's observing me.

"What is your name? What faction are you from?" I asked again. She's just staring at me. Is she an intruder?

She didn't answer. She ran and I almost tripped when she passed over me.

"야! 너 이름이 뭐가!" I shouted and started following her.  Why is she so fast? I keep chasing her.

I tripped again, great just great. Now I lost her.

I need to find her.

I keep running.

Soon I reach the 3 floor. Where did that girl go? She's quite fast.

I saw an open door. Oh? I think she's here.

And as expected she's here!
"야! 맞아! You are here! Why did you run a while ago?" I asked. I'm still panting. I rolled my eyes and noticed that she was not alone. Who exactly are they? "Who are you?" I asked them. They all froze. Eh? What's wrong?

I heard someone say "This is trouble" trouble?

In an instant, they all disappeared in front of me. Why do they run? The girl I'm chasing also runs. "Yah! 어디가!" Aish! Whatever. I'm late. I need to go back now.

I walked back to our room and saw Momo and Mina waiting for me outside.

"Sana!" I giggled.

"Where did you hide this time?" Momo asked and clinged her hands to me.

"Somewhere. Let's go. " We all headed back to our room and took our sit.

Tsk. I'm curious about something.
"Spacing out?" Mina noticed me.

"I have a question."

"Spill it."

"I saw a girl with no stars and no faction name a while ago," I said and observed their reaction.

"No star and Faction? Maybe she's not from here." Mina answered. Maybe? But...

"Lance Academy, I remember that it's imprinted in her uniform," I explained.

"Iljin" Momo mouthed and we all looked at her.

"What did you say?" I asked Momo. Iljin?

"A hidden faction in our school. Hey, let's talk about this privately. No one must hear this or else we are out" Mina and I nodded.

A hidden faction? Why I don't know anything about this. If that faction exists, then who are they? Why they are hidden?

Too many questions.

Our professor for Team building finally arrived.

I need to see that girl again.


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