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"Iljin Faction to my office now!"

The sentence echoed in the whole building of Faction. We think they already found out. I forgot to say this but the entire building is recorded. They saw what happened and I already know what will happen.

"This is all your fault chewey." Annoying ass. 

"Can you shut up Rapmon?" Nayeon cut him off. He is getting on my nerves.

"What? I'm right. We are not in trouble right now if it's not because of her!" 

"Shut the fuck up, guys! Let's think of something to solve this problem rather than fighting." I don't know that this Eunwoo has a brain. How I wish all boys had the same brain as him. 

"Let that bitch fix this. It's her fault." One last word I'm going to blow his face right now. 

"I said shut up!" Nayeon shouted and grabbed Rapmon's shirt. "Talk again and I'll make you shut up!" 

Rapmon pushed Nayeon which made her fall to the ground and her right wrist got hurt. 

This is it. I punch his face. "Shut your goddamn mouth if you don't want me to hit your ass this time!" I glared at him and walked past. 

I need to talk to my mom. This is all my fault anyway. 

I opened the door and saw my mom glaring, waiting for us.

"Where are the others!" Aish. I really can't stand my mom when she's like this. 

"They have nothing to do with this. It's my fault. That girl followed me to our room and saw us." I look at my mom's eyes. She's still glaring at me. 

"She saw everyone. Then everything is at fault! Bring them here or you will face a bigger punishment!" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Punish me," I said and looked down. 

"Are you in your right mind Zhou Chewey?!"


"Then, prepare to transfer to Idol Faction! You can go now." I nodded and bowed. I know that this will happen to me. I should be ready. 

I went back to our room and saw everyone looking at me. I grab my bag when someone grabs my wrist.

"What happened?" I look at her hands and look at her face.

"Let go of me" I glared at her. 

"Just tell us what is the punishment." Jeongyeon talked to me. I look at her. 

"I'll be transferred to Idol Faction," I said and got my wrist that  ShinB's holding.

"Serves you right Bitch." 

"Shut the fuck up Rapmon!" Seulgi shouted. I walked past everyone and stopped in front of Rapmon.

"I'm glad that I won't be seeing your face from now on or else I won't be able to control my hands and land it right in front of your face," I said and saw his body trembling. I smirked and went out of the door. 

What a day! This is my first day and look what happened. I'll be transferred to Idol Faction tomorrow. What a life. I stamped my feet and decided to unwind at the rooftop again. Tomorrow, I'll be transferred to that Faction. What a mess. I want to punish that stupid girl for breaking here.



After class, we decided to hang out in our dorm. Me, Mina, and Momo are roommates. Mina grabbed some books while Momo the eating monster grabbed some chips.

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