Chapter 2

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Sleeping for a thousand hours and waking up knowing you have two months of summer vacation is truly freaking amazing! My body is filled with energy after sleeping oh-so-very-relaxed last night. I take a quick shower, put on my running clothes, and place my long, crazy hair in a high ponytail.

I'm about to walk out when--

"Liz, what the--? Get your butt back inside!"

I sigh deeply, step back inside the apartment, and turn towards my mom's expectant gaze. "Yes?"

Her serious face breaks into a big smile. "You forgot your water bottle."

I crinkle my nose at her while laughing nervously. "I thought I was in trouble."

She considers this carefully with a demeaning raised eyebrow. "Well, now that you've mentioned it, those pants are getting a little too tight, don't you think?"

I stare down at my legs while snorting. "Mom, they're sport tights."

She puckers her lower lip with a motherly, worried expression. "But you have a big rear end! Like your mom!" She complains with a groan.

I give her a quick peck on the cheek. "How many times have I done this? I'll be fine. I'll speed away if any idiot comes close, okay?"

Even after reassuring her, she looks worried. "What about that sports bra, honey?"

I groan profoundly. "Do you how many degrees it is outside? For god's sake we live in Arizona," I mutter.

She presses her lips together, surrendering. "Be careful."

I smile, taking the cold water bottle from her hands. "I will."

My passion for running was always there, I just needed to find it. And when I did, I knew where I belonged. I belonged to that sweaty group in school, 'The Running Club.' After participating there for a year in middle school, the coach noticed my potential. He said I was a prodigy, in fact, I was the most resistant runner he'd ever seen in his years of being a p.e. teacher. And so I became a part of my high school's cross country team.

To be able to do what I most love, receive honoring recognition for it, and win major battles for my school: it was completely amazing. I might not have the best grades, but I'm one very devoted athlete and I always give my best.

As I jog down the street the sweltering, blazing air bakes my skin. Good thing I remembered putting on sunblock. The summer heat burns at its highest today and it becomes hard to breathe after an hour and a half of jogging. I place my hands on my knees, staring at my cool blue-green Nikes. My water bottle is empty inside my small running bag. Shit.


I almost fall over in an attempt to look behind me. I swallow, or try to because my mouth is dry. Behind me stands a broad-shouldered guy with light freckles on the skin over his cheekbones and a smoothly-curved nose.

This could not be.

"I have water, if you want," Jason says reaching into the black backpack slung over his shoulder. "I was heading towards the beach to meet up with some friends." He hands me the water bottle and I take it without hesitation. I'm exhausted and almost completely dehydrated. After I gulp down almost half of it and hand it back to him, Jason shakes his head. "I have another one."

My breathing evens out and my body regains energy once again. "Was heading?"

A hint of a smile shines on his face. Jason runs a hand through his dark, auburn hair. "Uh, well. . ." He looks slightly uncomfortable. "Since you were already heading for the beach I was wondering if I could ditch my friends and maybe we could take a walk?"

I stand frozen in place, staring at Jason suspiciously. "How did you know I was going to the beach?"

The hint of a smile again. "Um. . ." He runs a hand through his hair again. "Where else does does this street lead?" His soft features look even more alluring in the light of the day.

I feel stupid for not noticing the one and only direction of the street before. "Oh."

Jason stands there with an eyebrow raised. "So. . .? Will you say yes?"

I bite on my lower lip, trying hard not to smile. "As long as you don't kidnap me."

The hint of a smile once again. Does he not smile or something? "Why would I do that when you kind of saved my life. . ."

My face must look wild because he smiles, this time a complete one, but I'm too busy thinking wildly. If I hadn't been there in time would I have seen his dead body in the news? Covered in a white sheet? I would have been traumatized for life if I had found his dead body across the street. "They would have killed you?!"

Jason opens his mouth to say something and then he shuts it abruptly. "No, I meant to say guts. You saved my guts. They wouldn't have gone that far as to kill me. Never."

My wild thoughts disperse into thin air. "Oh, well then in that case, you're welcome." Jason looks amused. "And I accept to ditch your friends with you with one condition."

Jason's thin lips lift on one edge. "And what would that be?"

"Tell me what last night was about. No lies and all truth. I can't see you and stop thinking about. . . how they were hitting you. I feel guilty and. . . not right." I shake my head remembering the purple-greenish bruises on his face. There's still a hint of a bruise on his jaw and under his eye. He must have covered them with makeup or something.

Jason's smile fades away and he steps closer making the air around me feel even more blazing hot. "You shouldn't feel guilty. I provoked what happened last night, it was my fault, and yet you saved me. I really didn't deserve your help."

I stare at him with concern. "What did you do to them?"

Guilt glitters in his eyes like tears. "Nothing good."

I hesitantly place a hand on his shoulder. "I think I know enough. If you tell me more than necessary that will only mean that I'm nosy."

He nods and then grins. "Ready to go on my car?"

I frown at him. "What do you mean car? The beach isn't more than a mile away," I say while pointing down the street.

"I hate to admit this, but it would be a painful and slow mile with my injuries."

I immediately feel guilty for forgetting his face wasn't the only part of his body that was hit. "Shit, I forgot." But when I turn to look at him, he is already gone. "Jason?" I turn in every direction, but he has dissapeared into thin air. "What the--?"

Unexpectedly, a white car stops its engine right in front me. Not just a white car.

A freaking summit white Camaro.

A Camaro. My dream in a beauty car. A beautiful, powerful beast. It's like love at first sight.

And guess who's in the driver's seat. "Enjoying the view, love?" Yeah, it's Jason.

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