first date ♡ / sfw

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• you two go to a coffee house (which was yoosung's suggestion)
• palms are sweaty, knees weak
• flushed baby the entire time
• stares at his coffee, and every time he looks up he just gets more red and looks back down
• fiddling with his hands the whole time
• when he does speak, it's rushed and stumbles over words a lot
• almost squeaks when you take his hand on the walk back to your home

• he's cool on the outside, screaming on the inside
• since he's (kinda) famous, you two decide to go to the movies (where it's dark and he's not as noticeable)
• insists on paying for everything
• "hey don't laugh i'm trying to be a gentleman"
• soft hand touches while you both reach for popcorn
• does the stereotypical "yawn to put his arm around you" thing

• neither of you had really planned on anything
• she had an early release from work and decided to call you up for dinner
• you two go to a little diner on the outskirts of town
• she has a nervous habit where she plays with the short hairs on the nape of her neck
• underneath the booth, your knees are softly leaning on each other's
• (you jokingly say you should share a milkshake and she gets oddly flustered)

• literally plans every single detail down to the very finest detail
• insists on taking you to the best (most expensive) restaurant in town
• also insists on picking you up in the nicest car the company owns
• pulls your chair out for you (and is a total gentleman in the sense of the word)
• his "usual table" is in a back corner, where it's quiet and you two are alone
• when he drops you off, he walks you to the door, kissing the back of your hand and whispering, "i had a really good time tonight" in your ear

• he's a lot more goofy (if that's even possible) because of how nervous he is
• to make him feel more comfortable (since he rarely goes outside because of his job) you two watch a movie at his apartment
• he cleans for you!! (by he i means he forced vanderwood to)
• and he actually got a bunch of candy & snacks for you two
• he's so blown away by the fact of someone actually being interested enough in him to go on a date with him he stares at you a lot while you're fixated on the television screen

• ugh the most gentlemanly boy you've ever known
• you two just take a walk around the park, after stopping at a convenient store to get ice cream
• (even though he insists that you should get something more "gourmet")
• you two walk shoulder to shoulder
• when it gets darker, he has to hold your hand so you can lead him (and lean on you a bit)
• which results in both of you to stop talking, both of you flushing until you get to a bench to rest up a little bit

• little baby acts cold and passive, but in all actuality can just barely talk because he's so nervous
• it's just a simple ice cream date
• only talks back in small smiles, nods, and hums
• very intent listener, though, and takes in everything you rant about/discuss
• at one point you get ice cream on your face, and he giggles a little, cheeks a little pink, and wipes it off with his thumb

(( a/n: i always try to get them to be the same length and this one was a struggle;; also i haven't updated in like 70 years but i'm trying to update more!!! school is top priority until summer, though, so that always comes first (sadly). also also!! have any of you guys played the april fool's DLC? i don't have any storage so i cant update the app ;-; ))

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