Chapter 3: Odd Pairing

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Several minutes have passed and all first years have entered the forest.

Kyrenia encountered several Grimm but is still without a partner.

Kyrenia: sigh* I think I'm lost.

Within the bushes, a pack of Beowolves emerges. Kyrenia poises and lunges, eradicating several Grimm in minutes.

Kyrenia: pants* I am not done yet! *hears loud footsteps* Hmm?

A larger Beowolf appears before Kyrenia.

Kyrenia: Oh my!

The large grimm charges.

Kyrenia readies herself. Then a loud gunshot echoes past her ears and the large Grimm's head exploded. The gunshots continue one at a time and all the Grimm in the area are shot down.

Kyrenia: glanced at where the gunshots came from* who is-

Kyrenia sees Daemon holding his anti-tank sniper rifle.

Daemon: Hi

Kyrenia: Hello

Daemon: Guess we're partners now.

Kyrenia: It seems to be the case. *silence*

Daemon:....... Let's go.

Kyrenia: But where to? We appear to be lost in the woods.

Daemon: It's almost afternoon, right? *looks at the sun* So if we use the sun as a clue. *positions and faces his shadow* This way is north.

Kyrenia: Are you sure?

Daemon: The sun doesn't lie. Besides it's better to be on the move than wait for something to happen.

Kyrenia: I see, very well. Onwards, then.

The pair heads north.


Reina: Ky!  Ky! *sighs* Where are you? *hears a rustling sound behind bushes, readies weapon and lunges*

Reina lunges, the mysterious figure dodges and poises to retaliate.

Reina: glares at...... Agate* .......!!!!
Agate:............. Oh c'mon! You're my partner!?

Reina: That's my line! And I'm not gonna deal with this crap. *turns back and leaves*

Agate: Me too. *turns back and leaves*

Before the two could leave the area, they noticed that they have been surrounded by Beowulves. They ran back to each other and forms up back to back.

Reina: we're surrounded.

Agate: I know.

Reina: One question.

Agate: Hmm?

Reina: If things went south and I'm on the verge of defeat or possibly death, would you come to aid me?

Agate: Why ask all of a sudde-


Agate: .......... Well, leaving someone hanging ain't my style. So... yeh I guess.

Reina: ....... Ok then.

A Beowulf lunges at Reina. Agate notices, shoves Reina away and body blows the Grimm with his tonfa.

Agate: Hey! Watch it. Let's just blow this joint.

Reina: poises* Couldn't agree more.

The two slays every Grimm nearby for a while.

Somewhere else.

Arizona: hears gunshots* Hmm. *looks at Sapphire* You doin ok?

Sapphire: *gives a thumbs up*

Arizona: Then let's hop to it. We're almost at the relic's location.

Sapphire: *nods*

Meanwhile, at Beacon cliff.

Glynda: By the looks of it, Mrs. Ichijin and Mr. Erde are experienced fighters. To be able to kill more than 30 Grimm in minutes exceeds average first year abilities.

Ozpin: Hmm

Glynda: Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Tennessee seem to travel without obstacles or encountering Grimm.

Ozpin: Perhaps luck is on their side.

Glynda: Perhaps so. And, It seems that Mr. Ignis and Mrs. Pelga would arrive at the temple in a few moments. However....

Ozpin: Is there a problem?

Glynda: Ignis. Isn't that the name of the monarch who is in charge of Vytal.

Ozpin: Gareth Ignis.

Glynda: Yes. But wasn't he found to be deceased 8 years ago.

Ozpin: Then Mr. Ignis must be his heir. *observes Daemon on his scroll* Daemon Ignis.....

At the same time, Daemon and Kyrenia arrive at the ruined temple.

Daemon: observes the relics* Chess pieces?

Kyrenia: Some of them are missing.seems to be , two white Knights, and two white bishops and one black Rook.

Daemon: the others must have taken them already.

Kyrenia: Which should we pick?

Daemon: Let's just pick this*takes black Knight piece*

Kyrenia: Then we are done. *looks at the forest*

At the moment, loud gunshots passed the two's ears. A lone Beowulf came running towards Daemon and Kyrenia.

Daemon: ...... *Aims at the Grimm*

The Grimm's head disintegrated before Daemon could fire.

Agate: panting*
Reina: panting*

Kyrenia: Rei!

Reina: !!!! Ky!

Agate: out of breath* Hey, D.

Daemon: You look like hell. And I see that Reina became your partner.

Agate: Yeh.

Reina: Let's just finish this freaking test and hightail it out of here. *walks towards the ruins and picks the black knight piece*

Bushes rustle and the four readies.

Arizona: emerges from the bushes and notice guns aimed at her* Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!  Human. I'm human, people.

The four lower their weapons

Sapphire: appears beside Arizona*

Daemon: Sapphire!
Agate: Sapphire!

Sapphire: *waves*

Arizona: looks at Sapphire* So you're name is Sapphire? Friends of yours?

Sapphire: *nods*

Everyone hears Grimm noises

Daemon: Let's talk later when we get back.

Arizona: Ya got it mister. *runs to the ruins, snags the black rook piece, and runs with the gang*

Hours later, all first years have gathered for the assigned team.

Ozpin: Arizona Tennessee, Trevor Turner, Sapphire Ray, and Rita Tachibana. The four of you have retrieved the black rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as team ASTR(aster). Led by..... Arizona Tennessee.

Sapphire: *pats Arizona's back*

The crowd applauses

Ozpin: Next. Daemon Ignis, Agate Erde, Reina Ichijin, and Kyrenia Pelga. All of you have chosen the black knight pieces. And from this day forward,  you all will work together as team DARK. Led by..... Daemon Ignis.

Daemon: !!!! But I....

Ozpin: Congratulations, Mr Ignis.

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