Chapter 9: Advice

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Daemon and Kyrenia prepares to sparr in Daemon's garage

Daemon: *wields only one of his naginatas*

Kyrenia: *points her trident and begins to charge*

Daemon: *braces and blocks*

Kyrenia: *thrusts and slashes*

Daemon: *parries each trust and blocks each slash*

Kyrenia: *slashes heavily*

Daemon: *dodges and knocks Kyrenia's foot, causing her to tumble down*


Daemon: You're too predictable. You're almost screaming what you'll do. And your stance....... It's so unbalanced that your legs get crossed then cause your attacks to go slightly off target.

Kyrenia: Uuh...

Daemon: And the way you wield your weapon. You hold the far end of the trident too much which does give good range but poor control. It would be effective with a shield. But since you don't, you'd get disarmed easily.

Kyrenia: Wow! Daemon, you are blunt.

Daemon: Sorry but it is true. How about this.... *holds Kyrenia's hand and places it near the middle of her weapon*

Kyrenia: !!!!!! *blushes*

Daemon: By placing it in the middle, you assume control. Since you wield a trident, trusts are reccomended movements to defeat rooted or slow enemies. Slashes are for multiple or swift opponents.

Kyrenia: O-ok.

Daemon: *moves away* You can also try this...  *wields his naginata with his fingers and spins it hastily*

Kyrenia: Whoa!

Daemon: Think fast! *charges and strikes*

Kyrenia: *blocks but is knocked back as she yelps* Owww...

Daemon: *halts* This method can really throw your enemies off. But it is difficult and can possible break, if not, tear off your fingers.

Kyrenia: Heheh, right.

Daemon: *offers his hand to help Kyrenia stand*

Kyrenia: *takes Daemon's hand and stands*

Daemon: Are you sure you don't want to upgrade your trident? Cause having a weapon with a firearm form can give you an edge.

Kyrenia: Hmm. Maybe in the future, I would see to it's enhancement.

Daemon: OK. *looks at the clock on the wall* It's already 4. You head back to the dorm. I'll clean the place up.

Kyrenia: I could help.

Daemon: No, I got it.

Kyrenia: Are you sure?

Daemon: Yeah!

Kyrenia: OK then. *leaves the garage*

Arizona, Rita, Sapphire and Reina are waiting outside and smiling intently

Kyrenia: *notices and faces the group* Wh-what!?

Rita: Heh! Nothing.

Arizona: Ooh! Adorable!

Reina: *smiles while shooking her head*

Kyrenia: Not you too...

Reina: Well, seeing my childhood friend smile while she's alone with a boy is definitely something you don't see everyday.

Sapphire: *nods and gestures in sign language* "Indeed! Daemon may have his faults but he's a strong leader and a good man in the end".

Arizona: *pets Sapphire's head* Ya hear that? Ya got yourself a future BF.

Sapphire: *pouts*

Kyrenia: Don't be ridiculous! We are just teammates and friends and it hasn't been a month since we met.

Rita: With that smile and laughter a minute ago, I'd say there's something more than being teammates or friends. *winks*

Kyrenia: Oh please! Uhhh... How are your homeworks? *nervously chuckles*

Reina: Hmph! We finished them.

Arizona: Yeh! It was brutal.

Sounds of metal clanking and rattling then crashing can be heard from within the garage.
Kyrenia and company rush inside to see the cause of the noise.

Kyrenia: DAEMON!!??

Daemon is buried in gears and metal tools.

Daemon: Here! *raises hand as he groans*

Arizona: What in tarnation happened here!?

Daemon: I dunno. I was just moving the bikes to their corners then a puff of smoke exploded at my face afterwards.

Sapphire: *gestures in sign language* Right here! An open locker.

Reina: !!!!!

Kyrenia: Reina, It's your weapon storage.

Reina: Sorry, I'll fix it.

Rita: Why the smoke bombs though?

Reina: Just a precaution.

Rita: That's kinda overkill.

Reina: "Never leave anything to chance" is what my instructor would say.

Kyrenia: It is not a bad advice to be honest. *pauses and notices* Hey. Where are the boys?

Rita and Arizona: *giggling happily*

Kyrenia: Hmm? *tilts her head in confusion*

Back in the dorm

Agate: *laying his head on the desk and groans* Ugh... I hate history.

Trevor: *finishes up his homework* You can do it.

Agate: Grrrr!

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