Chapter 2

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One night in the orphanage our advisor/the main person of the orphange came to speak to everyone about someone wanting to adopt a 16-18 year old female so we would have to be up early in the morning all the other girls agreed to this but im not a morning person so no way was i gonna get out of bed at 8:00am.

----The Next Day--------------------------------

It's about 7:50 I got woken up by screaming. I shouted shut up pleaseeeee I really didn't want to get out of bed but I wanted to see what the people who are adopting look like there's only about 4 16-18 year olds I'm luckily in the middle and the only 17 year old.

I eventually had to get up and had no choice our orphanage manager the person who manages the 'difficult kids' came because she knew how to handle the kids who got upset quickly over not getting chosen it's obviously not me

When I saw 5 boys i immediately ran upstairs hoping they hadn't seen me because I don't have a very good past with men. I heard afew screams and afew girls chanting 1D over and over again I didn't see what the fuss was about personally.

**Nialls P.O.V**

We have decided to adopt a child as it's boring with 5 boys\ men we all agreed on getting a girl aged 16-18 because it would be easy to handle a girl that age and she would be near our age so we would understand each other

When we got to the orphanage I saw a beautiful girl but he turnt and ran away as soon as she saw us. we spoke to the other children that were there but I pointed out to the boys that I had seen a girl but she had run upstairs so we went and had a look all we heard was sobbing

**Elizas P.O.V**

I started crying and searching for my razor blades see no one realised but my arms are full of scars and so are my legs I heard knocking so I dropped everything I had in my hands and peeped around the door the 5 boys were stood there .......


Sorry it's so short and boring it will get better I will try update every Sunday and every other day I have a chance ;)

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Ta me munchkins ;) xoxox

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