Chapter 5

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"I know what you have been doing............".........................

Elizas P.O.V

I got really scared after that because my past foster parents and adoptive parents would hit me when they found out so I was afraid he would to but thank god he just said you've been hiding things and I want to know what they are so I just stayed quiet till he shouted and it scared me at this point I just said boldly "I have not been doing anything"

And then I walked away

..The Boys (1D) P.O.V..

None of us are convinced that she hasn't been doing anything yes we listend to the convo and yes it might of been rude but we need to know what's going on

She seems like a girl who wouldn't hurt a fly but we spyed on her wen she went into boots(A.N. Not sure if I mentioned a store but yeah, this is where she got razors from) and she brought razor blades but no applicator so we were confused

All of us want to check her arms but she won't come out of the bedroom for us to do so.

None of us know how to deal with this so were just sat on the sofas talking about how were going to be able to check and also were going to make sure she eats properly she looks a bit malnourished !!


Sort sorryyyyyy

I'm thinking of writing a book about me it won't be too interesting it will be more like a diary that you lot can read :) comment if you think it's a good idea




Ta me munchkins ;) xoxoxox

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2014 ⏰

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