Rape Culture :/

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Just... why? Why is this even considered a thing?

I just... *sigh*

I'm losing faith in humanity.

By idea, Rape Culture would refer to a culture that promotes, or condones rape. Never have I ever seen a single paid commercial or advertisment in the US that promotes rape or says that it is ok. People who rape get sent to prison and serve long ass sentences for crying out loud!

Just... ugh.

And another thing. You need to remember this. There is a fine line between Objectification, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Rape.

I will be using myself (fluttershy) as an example.

What is Harassment?

Google says, "aggressive pressure or intimidation."

Webster says, "to annoy persistently<was harassing his younger brother> (2) :  to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct <was being harassed by her classmates> <claims that the police were unfairly harassing him>"

With that being said, harassment looks like this:

In this example, Sunset is "harassing" Fluttershy

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In this example, Sunset is "harassing" Fluttershy. Sunset is creating "an unpleasant or hostile situation."

What is sexual harassment?

Google says, "harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks."

Webster says, "uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature especially by a person in authority toward a subordinate (as an employee or student)."

With that being said, sexual harasdment must looks like this:

Sunset is acting upon Fluttershy with "uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature

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Sunset is acting upon Fluttershy with "uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature."

What is sexual objectification?

Google says, "Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person as an instrument of sexual pleasure. Objectification more broadly means treating a person as a commodity or an object without regard to their personality or dignity.

Webster says, "a person regarded especially exclusively as an object of sexual interest."

With that in mind:

The Artist portraying Fluttershy in this image is making her out as an "object of sexual interest

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The Artist portraying Fluttershy in this image is making her out as an "object of sexual interest."

Now, fillies and gentlecolts.

The big one.

What is rape?

Google says, "Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent."

Webster says, "unlawful sexual activity and sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent."

Holding someone is not rape

You can't rape and not know it. You can't rape with words.

NONE of that is rape.

THIS is rape:


Now, again, let's digress. Rape is not a good thing. Nobody in their right mind would think that. There are no video games with rape in them. If you wanted a rape game, you would have to go on a porn game site or get a mod for a game that doesn't have rape in it. Nobody can sell a rape video game for consoles. It's too horrid a concept.

Thank you for reading.

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