Chapter 5

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The concert was fantastic, and when the band members came near our row, they all looked happy to see me sitting there, waving specifically at Sunny and I. 

After the concert ended, we were directed backstage, Sunny smiling like a fool the whole team. I couldn’t stop smiling either for reasons I didn’t understand.

Okay, so maybe I had fun.

We got backstage and saw a small crowd of fans, all surrounding different members of the band. Food and drinks stood on a little table, and Sunny and I went straight for it. As I grabbed a cookie, I heard Louis say behind me,

“I love a girl with an appetite.” I turned around and he was smiling at me, totally teasing me. I smiled right back, “Well, I guess you’ll love me more when I eat all of the cookies.”

He held his heart and fake gasped. “All of them? Now, that’s a little far. Chocolate chip are my favorite.” I laughed with him and then asked,

“Why’d you give us backstage passes? Thanks for that, by the way.” He smiled, obviously expecting the question.

“I wanted to see you again, and so did the other guys, figured it’d be cool. When’d you figure out we were One Direction?” He smirked.

I laughed. “My friend, Sunny,” I went to introduce her when I realized she was talking to Niall, “Made me study you guys so I could be a ‘basic fan’. Course, never really was, no offense. She was absolutely appalled by the fact that I’d never heard one of your songs. Turned out you guys weren’t that bad.” I said, winking.

He nodded and laughed, “Sounds like a funny girl. And not that bad? How offensive, we are fantastic.” He said the last part sarcastically, making me giggle.

We stood there talking and teasing like that for ten minutes until Niall, Sunny, and Harry came up. I smiled at them, and laughed at Sunny’s amazement. The fact that we’re talking to them hasn’t sunk in yet, apparently.

“So, I was talking to Niall and Zayn, and we’re going out tomorrow. You girls want to come?” Harry asked smoothly, my heart skipping a beat.

“O-of course we would. Sounds fun.” I said, stuttering slightly. They all smiled at my answer.

“We’re going to TCBY at 1 o’clock tomorrow, the one right next to this stadium.” Niall said happily. I looked between him and Sunny, wondering if anything was going on. I smiled and nodded.

“Well, it’s getting late. We have to get to our hotel.” Louis said, sounding disappointed.

“Well, they’re at the same hotel as us. Wanna ride in our limo?” Niall said suddenly, turning to Sunny. She nodded quickly, obviously unable to form words. We grabbed our stuff and all piled into the large limo, bodyguards on either side of us. We walked into the hotel, heading up to the fifth floor, heading to our separate rooms. Niall said quickly, before heading into his room, “508? I’ll knock on your door before we leave.” Sunny and I mumbled a thank you and opened the door, falling onto my bed.

“Oh. My. God.” Sunny gasped.

“And she speaks, finally.” I teased.

“We just went to a One Direction concert, third row, hung out with them backstage, rode in their limo back to the hotel, and now we’re going to get frozen yogurt with them tomorrow. How?!” I smiled at her, patting her back, and said teasingly,

“Go to sleep. Night.”

I fell asleep that night with thoughts of One Direction running through my head, but one member in particular.



I woke up the next morning at seven am again, getting changed and grabbing my hotel key, taking the elevator down. I walked into the gym and grabbed a towel, stepping on a treadmill and turning it on, starting at a steady jog. Finished with my workout, I grabbed some breakfast at the buffet in the lobby. When I went to set my plate down, I ran into a waitress knocking everything on her tray and mine down.

“I am so sorry, please forgive me!” I said apologetically as I rushed to pick up her tray and my plate.

“It’s okay Miss, I should watch where I go.” I looked up at her, as if she was crazy.

“It was my entire fault, no need to apologize just because you’re staff.”

She smiled at me, “Thank you. For helping me pick it up. Enjoy your day.”

I smiled back at her, “Thank you, you too!” I said after her as she walked towards the kitchen with an empty tray. I made a mental note to find her before we left today and apologize correctly.

I walked into the room at 9:30 to find, once again, Sunny still asleep. I chucked a pillow at her as she woke up, grumbling, “How you are already showered at 9:30 in the morning is unnatural. Go back to sleep.” I laughed and sat next to her.

“We get to see One Direction in 3 hours. You should probably get up for that.” As soon as I mentioned One Direction she popped up out of the bed and headed for the bathroom, her bed head as bad as ever. I laughed and changed into my outfit, grabbing my phone and checking my messages.

1 new message. It blinked over and over again. Clicking on it, I was shocked to see who it was from.

Guess who’s in LA? Didn’t expect you to come down here. You know it’s not safe here for you, baby girl.

 Not with connections like yours.


I shivered, his text making my skin crawl. He never contacted me before, never was involved in my life, why bother now?

I shut off my phone, not wanting to think about it anymore. “Hey Starr, where’s your hairbrush? Can’t find mine.”

I pushed all thoughts out of my head as I replied, “I’ll get it, give me a second.”


Here's the next chapter of ADUTM, hope you guys enjoyed it!

I know I'm not a very well-known writer, so I have set a tiny goal I want to reach before I update:

15 reads.




Thank you for reading


A Direction Unknown to Me: A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now