O Really

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Digg wanted me to go to an art show with him.   I really don't have any interest in art all I see is a picture but since Digg wants me to I will. I needed to get my hair done if Im going to a place with 1000 people in it. Diggs mom and sisters took me to get my hair done. I told the stylist that I wanted my Natural Hair down and curly. After that we went home and got dressed.  He drove me to the place and  he keppt complimenting my hair and outfit and me of course I was blushing.

We walked in the place people were staring and taking pictures of us. Digg had a tight grip on my hand.We walked passed paintings and we stared at them me and him commented on some of them. We stopped at http://15pictures.com/wp-content/gallery/15-pictures-graffiti/graffiti-5.jpg .  We smiled and he got behind my and hugged my waist and kissed my on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I said looking up at him with a smile. 

"That was for coming to this show with me."  He said kissing my lips.

"mmmm!" I said smilling he laughed at me and licked his plump pink lips. 

"What you think about this one ?" He said putting his chin on my shoulder.

" I kinda like how it different fro the others it stands out." I said.

"Good because I made this one!" He said smiling.

"O really?" I said turning to face him.

"Yeah." He said.

"I didnt know you painted." I said 

"Well now you know." he said 

I just laughed and we continued to walk through the gallery. I acttualy started to like art and it wasnt boring anymore.

"Where do you paint at?" I said to him.

"Most of the time at home in the downstairs basement.Why?" He said .

"I want to paint it sounds fun!" I said smiling hard.

"O well maybe when we get home we can paint together and I can show you the basics."    He said

"How about we go home right now?" I said look up at him.

"You sure?" he said pushing his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yeah lets go!" I said turning all the way around and grabbing his hand.

We walked out holding hands smiling and laughing at the questions the poparozi (spell check) were asking.

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