Part 3

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DON'T TELL ANYONE. I told the girls as we walked out. I looked at Louis before I was fully out the door and he winked at me. I tried to wink, but I looked like 6 month old baby tasting a lemon. He giggled, WHICH WAS THE CUTEST THING EVERRRRRR, and I smirked.


When Payton, Jessie, and I walked into 5th period, Social Studies, Mr. B asked us what was the capital of Portugal. I said Paris, Jessie said Guatemala, and Payton said Bulgaria. Mr. B said, "Just come in the room I think we need to touch up on our countries and capitals." I.DO. NOT. LIKE. COUNTRIES. AND. CAPITALS.

Hey!! It's Sofia. Hope you kind of liked this chapter. Sorry its short, I have to get ready for dance. Next chapter will be up around tomorrow to next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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