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Keith woke up, shocked, his sleep had been disturbed thanks to Shiro's daily work out routine. Considering their chambers are right beside each other, Shiro's grunts were always audible. Which, honestly, really bothered him. But, he had to get used to it. Keith put on a pair of jeans, and walked over to Shiro's chamber, opening the door with a loud sigh. "Do you really have to work out everyday? I'm trying to sleep you know!" Shiro, who was on the floor, laughed at Keith's reaction. And got off the floor, finishing his sit ups. "Of course I do. I need to stay fit!" Keith looked up at Shiro, his intimidating height, mixed with his deep voice, and beautifully built muscles had made him look like the perfect leader. "Whatever. Just get some breakfast." Keith wandered off to the dining room, and Shiro followed. "Why so grumpy today?" Shiro's tone sounded pitiful and concerned. Keith looked at Shiro, like, are you kidding me? "I barely slept, because of you! You grunt really really loudly!" Shiro blinked, and frowned. "I-- I'm sorry, Keith, I didn't know." He looked rather sad. Feeling bad. Keith noticed this, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't feel bad, okay? Let's just get some breakfast."


Chapter 2: Relate

Shiro and Keith awkwardly sat at the dining room table, Hunk, Lance, and Pidge, were gone. Well, Lance was asleep, but Hunk and Pidge were gone, doing who knows what. 

"Uh... How did you sleep?" Keith fidgeted with his thumbs, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Well... I slept alright. No nightmares. You?" Shiro looked at Keith in the eyes, Keith not doing the same.

"I already told you that I barely slept, but, I guess I slept decently." Keith, tapped his nails against the table.

"Again, I'm sorry." He sighed, and went over to his chamber, unsure if he should continue talking to Keith.

Keith just stared at Shiro leaving, and sighed, sitting alone.


Chapter 3: Timeskip.

It had been a few days since the past event. Shiro had been more distant than ever, even if Keith tried to talk to him, he'd just have small talk, no full on conversations.

It had bothered Keith, and so, he forced himself to have a conversation with Shiro.

"So, how've you been?"


The awkward silence returned, the only thing filling the lack of noise, were Shiro's grunts.

10 minutes passed, though it felt like an hour.

"Shiro?" Keith's tone felt hurt.


"You've been... Really distant lately, is everything okay?"


Chapter 4: Confess

"Everything's been fine." Shiro stopped his push ups, and sat beside Keith, wiping his sweat away.

"Really? Did I do something?"

Shiro seemed shocked at what Keith said.

"What do you mean, Keith? You've never done anything wrong!"

Keith looked away from Shiro. "I-- I want to believe that, but I just.. I just feel like I did do something."

Shiro hugged Keith, Keith's face was against his chest.

This lasted for, 5-10 minutes.

"Keith?" Shiro spoke.


"Did I do something?"

"Wh-- No, you didn't do anything, Shiro! Why would you feel like that?!"

"It's your reaction. Let me see your face."

Keith showed his face to Shiro, his eyes were streaming tears.

Shiro, acting on his impulse, kissed Keith passionately.

Keith flinched back in response, but he deepened the kiss.

As time passed, they ended up sleeping in the same bed, Shiro was exhausted from working out, and Keith just wanted to be with Shiro.

Who knows what will happen next?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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