Chapter 10

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Yuto walked slowly with Yuya to the spot where he travels through. "Another month only felt like days." Yuya gave him a weak smile then let go of Yuto's hand. They stood in silence for a bit then Yuya said in almost a whisper, "Goodbye."

Ruri was clearing the table when Yuto walked back in. She noticed his grim face and decided it was better not to ask. Just as she went back to clearing the table, she felt someone ruffle her hair. "Hey lil' sis." She huffed and ignored her brother. "Well, since Yuya's gone, should we start preparing?" he said in a low voice. She simply nodded then started washing the dishes. "Are you still mad about yesterday? I told you I was sorry." She stopped washing then turned to face him. "You said you'd be here. What were you doing that you couldn't make it?" Shun kept quiet for a moment then said, "You're right, it's my fault." She sighed, turned around and started washing the dishes again.

Jack was flipping through pages of a book then stopped on a certain page. "If I remember correctly, there was some facility..." He scanned the page but found out zip. He tossed the book to the side then looked up at the ceiling. "Maybe Shinji is right. I have been reading a lot of books lately." He looked on the web for a while and nothing turned up. He didn't plan on giving up, but was going to take a break. Shinji walked in and placed a cup of tea on his desk. "Still looking for the far fetched?" Jack was close to shoving him but instead replied, "That's right." Shinji shook his head then walked out.

Crow was cruising along on his D-Wheel, with not much of a destination in mind. He hoped the city would have a few answers to questions he has. The city was always busy, from dawn to midnight. He cruised around hoping something would catch his eye. He went further into the city then stopped at an old-styled house. "I'm getting bad vibes from this place..." He took one last glance at the place then kept moving.

Shun was tapping his pen against his desk. "What else, what else..." he thought. He couldn't think of a reasonable answer for the question on the paper. "Think Shun. What do you remember from your years in school..." He finally thought of the answer then jotted it down. He spun around in his chair then stopped as he looked out the window. It was raining pretty steadily and didn't look like it intended to stop. He shivered then drew the curtains. He kept feeling random chills even though it was moderately warm. "Something just isn't right..." He reached for his phone then texted Crow.

Yuya was sitting on his bed at home scrolling through photos he and Yuto took. "Heh, that's a cute one..." He sighed then set his phone to the side. He looked out the window at the partly cloudy sky. He figured it'd be the afternoon back where Yuto was. He heard a knock on the door and his mom stepped in. "Do you want anything? Tea, soda, snacks?" Yuya shook his head then heard his mom quietly close the door behind her.

Yugo and Rin were exiting a store when they noticed Crow's D-Wheel across the street. "He doesn't usually come out here, especially by himself." Yugo nodded then proceeded to look across the street for Crow. They saw him exit one of the older shops then start to get on his D-Wheel. Rin waved frantically over to him then started calling his name. He looked up and over at them then waved back. He crossed the street then greeted the both of them. "You two on a date?" Crow teased. Yugo looked away and Rin said, "That's right. This one over here failed at asking me out so I had to do everything. Jeez, you'd think he'd be more manly." Crow snickered then felt a shiver go down his spine. Rin gave him a confused look, seeing no clouds in the sky and no wind was blowing.

"Why do I feel cold? My arms feel numb..." He chuckled nervously then told them he had something important to do. He quickly got on his D-Wheel and drove away. When he arrived at home, the feeling of numbness in his arms became stronger. He was too focused on his numb arms to notice his card, glowing. He walked into his room then remembered his phone vibrated at some point. He took out his phone with some difficulty then began to respond to the message.

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