Chapter 21

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Hi! I'm back on this after lord knows how long. i'll finish them by the end of this week, i promise. Them meaning Fragments and Bitter Eats.

Shun sighed he waved his hand between the bars. He didn't know if anything was out there, but anything was better than being captive in what he believed to be a cell. He wondered what Crow was up to. Did he leave out of fear or to at least get help? He wished he knew.

Shun noticed a small light emitting from his deck. "Rise Falcon...?" The area was soon engulfed in a white light then disappeared. Nothing seemed to have changed until the sound of the cell being unlocked was heard. A person had entered and walked past him.

"Your turn kid." "No! You're going to hurt me!"

He watched as the person walked out carrying a young Crow glued to their side. "Wait!" The cello closed and he found himself trying to reach them through the bars. The door opened then closed with a loud sound. It was quiet until he heard sobbing. He looked around in hopes of figuring out where it was coming from. He looked across into the other cell and squinted. It himself, but younger.

"Crow...I'm sorry Crow..."

Something had happened here, and Shun was determined to find out what it was. He only hoped someone could get him out so he could investigate. His younger self soon disappeared and it seemed as if things had gone back to normal.


Crow checked a few more rooms but ended up empty handed. He couldn't fathom who or what lived here. Nothing looked like it led anywhere suspicious either. "I need to find Shun." He started to pull and push whatever he felt could possibly lead somewhere else. He stopped in front of a painting downstairs then tried to lift it up. It continued to go up as a stairway was revealed. "Hopefully this will give me answers we're seeking..."

The further down he went, the darker it had gotten. It soon became hard to see. He stepped forward and found himself landing flat on his face. "Ow..." "Hello? Is that someone?" He knew this voice. "Shun?" "Crow!?" He soon heard something colliding with metal and hurried towards the sound. He then stopped. How did he know it was Shun and not a mind game? "Are you really Shun?" "Yes." "Then answer this. where exactly did we find the creature?" "Creature?" Crow soon found the place where the sound was coming from.

"Shun would know exactly what I'm talking about." "Wasn't it in the ocean when you dropped your armband?" "What color was the armband?" "Yellow." "Name of the creature." "Narcissus." It was really him. "How did you get in here...?" He tugged on the bars that still seemed to be strong after so long. "Something happened here. I saw something." "What was it?" He watched as Shun pointed to the cell he was in and the one across. "You were in the one I'm in and I was across from you. Some person said 'Your turn.' then took you out and into another room. I was in the other crying."

Shun watched as Crow attempted to break the lock with what was available. "Maybe you should go get help..." "I can do this. Trust me Shun." He backed up as Crow seemed to be getting ready to hit it with all his might. It broke. "And you doubted me." "Sorry." He ran into Crow's arms as soon as he had opened the cell. "Were you that lonely?" "Yes..." He felt Crow return the gesture and bury his face into his chest. "Crow." "Huh?" "You can let go..." "Sorry." He watched as Crow hid his face from his sight. "Let's go through that door. That's where they took you."

Crow slowly opened the door then pulled it open fully. "What is this?" "It looks like some lab..." They wandered around, touching things that didn't look like they'd fall apart at the slightest breeze. "Does this feel familiar...?" "Too familiar." Crow rubbed his head as images briefly cane and went. His younger self didn't look happy in this room. "Headache?" He looked up and saw Shun looking at him with worry. "No, I'm okay." The pain in his head steadily grew, causing him to sit down.

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