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Guys....this gif literally is me! I cannot thank you all enough. 1000 READS....that's so mind blowing! I appreciate it and I still cannot believe how many of you are here! haha! I never ever imagined this stupid little book of my stories would be read by so many of you amazing peeps. So thank you! Alright, I'll stop being all mopey!

SOOO...I published a new book. Yes, you heard right. I published a new book for you lovelies to check out. I have had the idea for quite some time, but didn't have the motivation to publish it. I felt like this was my gift to you! A way for me to thank you! It's on my account, so to those whom do check it out let me know your thoughts?!

I may also have another book in the works as well. I originally had both of these ideas as oneshot ideas, but realized the length/plot could easily be turned into something much much longer! I'm going to have you all spoiled now aren't I?! 

Ok, well that is all for now lovelies. I truly am so so grateful. Thank you again. I love you all soo much. Have an amazing day! XOXO

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