Baby Steps (Part 2)

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A/N: I wanted to finish the second part of my "Baby Steps", yet also do a little holiday short, so I thought why not put them together! Now I know some of you don't celebrate Thanksgiving (USA), but I still made this enjoyable for all. I hope you like it my lovelies! Have a great day and HAPPY (belated) THANKSGIVING!!
XOXO Megan

The sounds of Tyler's and our children's laughter is resonating throughout our home, which is the only reason I'm smiling like a goofball through my stressed out state.

The holidays are my favorite time of year, don't get me wrong, but this is the first year I'm preparing Thanksgiving dinner for our family, which extends to our friends, and I'm silently freaking out.

Whilst preparing one of my famous dishes, I listen to the kids and Tyler playing. They deemed him The Turkey King, as he chased them throughout the house wearing none other than the infamous Turkey costume. Well, more like carried little Lily while chasing Arthur around. When he pulled the dust-covered parcel from our attic, I only laughed and was more than happy to discard of it. My children, including my lovely husband, had other plans. They cleaned up the horid thing and since have forced Tyler to wear it nearly every day.

Cleaning up after myself I felt his familiar presence. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I hummed with a smile and  leaned back into him. "Hmm... Hello sweetie. It seems you worn the children out, hmm?"

He laughed heartily and quickly kissed my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder and letting out a sigh. " It's definitely the other way around. I'm beat! I love little Lily-Bug, but she needs to start walking or I'm going to throw my shoulder out again."

I immediately turned in his arms and gave him a once over. "Tyler Scheid! You know I worry enough about you doing that, why would you say that. You're not allowed to be doing that. You know what the doct-"

He quickly shushed me, pecked my lips and continued. "Beautiful, it's ok! I'm fine. I guess I should've worded that differently. I know my limits, Y/N. You need not worry." He smiles down at me, reassuring me, and then his eyes find my famous dish-Tyler's favorite. "Now what have we got here!"

He quickly started reaching over my shoulder to pick at my delicious dish, but I equally fast smacked away his hands. "Ah-ah! No! Don't you dare!". He gave me the biggest pouty face and I almost caved. Almost. "Tyler?! I can't! Babe, it'll ruin the whole dish! Just a few more hours, hun."

He left out an exaggerated groan of disapproval, yet smiled against me as I pecked his lips. "Fine. I guess I'll whither away to nothing until my beautiful wife decides to feed me!"

"Oh gosh...hun you're sounding like Mark!" We both burst into a fit of laughter as he agreed with me. "But since my starving husband can't contain his hunger, will you taste this for me? It's my first time making it and with everyone coming over and the...". Tyler kissed me silent. He pulled away with a slight smirk and shushed me. Yup, the man shushed me.

"Y/N, how many times must I tell you that everything will be fine for you to believe me? We can do this. Besides, the added stress isn't good for the little one."

"'ll spoil our surprise goofball!"

He placed his palm against my barely visible baby bump and smiled. "Mhm, don't worry beautiful. Now what can I do to help?"

Ding dong

"TYLER! TYLER! Can you get the..."

"I'll get it mommy!" Arthur came bounding into sight and then towards the front door.

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