3| Strange

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Louis' POV

"Why did you let him come Zaynie!?" I whined. Zayn looked displeased at my whining and sighed.

"Louis you can't hide from everyone forever. Plus, you could use more friends." Zayn replied.

"Yeah but why him out of all people?"

"Oh come on Lou, he isn't too bad. He's a pretty decent guy." Zayn said.

"Yes he is bad, he's too- too happy." I said in a disgusted tone.

"Just because you aren't necessarily happy doesn't mean you can be mad at other people who are happy with themselves and their lives."

"That's not what I meant." I snorted, but he took it the wrong way- as always.

"That's exactly what you meant Louis. You're just jealous that other people can accept and love themselves so easy and you can't because you are too busy moping around and not thinking positive." Zayn snapped.

"I am not! I am fine right where I am and if Harry's happy, damn good for him!" I raised my voice. Before Zayn got to snap back the door bell rang. Oh yay, here he is as happy as a sand boy.

Zayn shook his head at me and answered the door letting the enthusiast come in. "Hi Louis!" He said overly happy.

I just nodded, not changing my facial expression at all. His smile faded as I did that and I almost felt remorse for him.

Him and Zayn worked on there project for a little over an hour as I sat and watched until Zayn had to take a wee and a snack break. Harry stayed in his spot, adding the final touches to his project. When he was done he set down his own and turned backwards on his seat, leaning his head on his hands which were resting on the back of the chair. He stared silently at me for a good minute making me slightly uncomfortable. As much as I didn't want to speak to him I had to get him to stop looking at me without seeming rude.

"Is there any reason you are staring at me?" I asked unsteadily.

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