Happy Birthday

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Something smelt really good. The smell literally whiffed around my nose dragging me out the bed and to the kitchen. I walked in and hugged Jake from behind.
"Happy Birthday Sleepyhead; I was wondering when you would get out of bed." Jake said turning around in my arms and kissing my head.
"Mmm waffles." I answered, my eyes  opening slightly.
"Are you hungry?" He asked turning back to the stove. Bacon was sizzling and popping oil everywhere.
I nodded and pouring coffee. The kitchen was calm, even though Jake was moving about frantically. I pulled the mug to my lips and sipped on my hot brew. Luna was chewing on her rope toy near the couch. I sat in the living room stepping over him to turn on some music. The music started to softly play in the background. I moved my body to the music. It was so peaceful. I couldn't ask for a better birthday morning.
Jake set the table and we sat down to eat his delicious blueberry waffles sided with scrambled eggs and bacon. We talked about senseless stuff and just had a peaceful morning in all.
"Wait until tonight, your birthday is gonna be special." He said smiling while chewing on a piece of bacon.
"Jake you don't have to do anything for my birthday. This is more then enough." I said with a soft smile
"It's not cause I have too, its cause I want too. You are one of the best things that has happened to since this past year. I am so great full for you and your joyful aura." He said placing his hand on top of mine.
I leaned over the table and kissed his plumb lips.
"I appreciate you too. I said looking at him softly.
After that we continued to talk. Just about interesting things nothing even important or relevant.

•Later That Day•

"Babe, put this on and let's go out." Jake said handing me a white bag. I pulled out a cute black dress. It was short above knees. It was simple and cute nothing crazy, just like our relationship.
"Where are we going?" I chuckled, looking at him pulling on slacks while tucking in a crispy white button down.
"It's a surprise." He said giving me one of his adorable winks.
20 minutes later we were in the car and I was blind folded. I could hear the humming of the engine as Jake smoothly drove down a road. The car came to a stop after a while. I could hear Jake open and close his door and come around to mine.
"My lady." He said gently placing my hand in his. I smiled; I so nervous to see what Jake had put together.
"Ok, are you ready for your surprise?" He asked me softly. I nodded. He pulled the blind fold from my head and right in front of me was a picnic candle light dinner under the stars. There was a waiter standing off to the side holding his position. Every thing was lovely, I was honestly speechless and stood there in awe.
"What do you think?" Jake whispered keep the moment steady. I turned to him and hugged him tight.
"This is the best birthday present ever. Thank you" I silently cried. I was glad I was spending it with someone that I loved very much.
"Well let's go enjoy ourselves, shall we?" He insisted holding out his arm. I took it and kissed his cheek as we ended the night looking at the stars.

A/N: I'm sorry this is long over due, but I was busy with school. I'm almost going to college so it's kind of hard at the moment. I decided to do a birthday imagine cause today is literally my birthday *crowd cheers in the background*. But yea anyways stay tuned. I'm sorry I don't have a very good schedule for writing my books. I just write when ever I feel creative/inspired. I'm gonna go and enjoy the rest of my day now bye.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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