CH: Two

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"Time to wake up!" A deep voice, which I instantly identify as an 'Officer', shouts from the hallway. His heavy knuckles continue to pound on the metal door, nearly making my entire room shutter in protest.

 I jump out of bed and throw on the first things of fresh clothes I can grab from inside my suitcase. I don't know what they do to those that disobey, but I don't think I'd like to stay and witness it. I quickly run my fingers through my thick and wavy brown hair.

"Eleanor Marie Renolds" An 'Officer' announces right outside my door, his voice dripping with impatience.

I quickly open it, nearly tripping over my own two feet. "Grab your things, your flight leaves in five minutes." He commands of me, before stiffly walking away in a brisk pace.

He leaves me behind, not even slightly concerned if I had any questions. But why should he care about me? He doesn't know me at all. I need to stop being so sensitive about everything.

Instead of over-analyzing the 'Officer's' attitude, I re-enter my room, giving it a quick scan. Out of habit, I make my bed; I smooth out the one, plain pillow. I zip up my suitcase, throwing on a comfortable black zip-up sweatshirt that I've had for years. I hang my camera case around my neck, keeping it safe, against my chest.

And just like the 'Officer' had promised, after five minutes had passed, I receive another knock on the door, and an equally-cold 'Officer' is there to greet me.

On our way to the 'Headquarter's' airport, we pass many other adults my age being escorted by 'Officers'. I see one person that makes me flinch away immediately.

An old woman, her face sunken in so far that her cheek-bones stick out, and with hair so colorless... it's hard to describe. As I cautiously glance back over towards her, my eyes unable to stray from her for very long, I notice she is chanting to herself. My eyes travel down towards her busy hands as I see her fingering a small wooden cross. I can't help but to let out a gasp.

Christianity has been outlawed for countless years. In Base School, where we get our basic education needed to survive, they told us all about our world's ancient religions.

The 'Officer' who is escourting me, saw what I saw as well. He greedily reaches for her hand to snap the cross out of her grip. The woman clutches her hands to her chest and refuses, shaking her head in a strict 'no'. Her chanting becomes louder and louder, causing others to gaze at her in horror.

"Mother Mary and the holy spirit, please bring mercy upon me!" She starts wailing, tears streaming down her face.

The two 'Officers' fight to grab the cross, wrestling the woman to the ground. One 'Officer' strikes her across the head with his baton, letting the disturbing sounds of bones cracking echo throughout the room.  The woman lays flat on her stomach, and she starts sobbing. I bite my lip to refrain from doing the same.

My 'Officer' just straightens his jacket and continues to head down the hallway, forcing me to run to keep up with him. I keep my mouth clamped shut to keep myself from spilling the contents of my stomach all over the floor.

We finally get to the airport section of the building. We arrive there just as the flight attendant was about to shut the doors.

"File: 2743037692221" The 'Officer' announces, reading off of a small piece of paper as we stand in front of the desk. The woman checks me off of her list and escorts me onto the plane.

There are only about ten other people on the plane with me. We each sit far from eachother, not really in the mood for interaction. The flight from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Saint Paul, Minnesota will definitely be a long one.

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