15 Ways To Annoy Ichigo Kurosaki From Bleach

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1: Call him strawberry.

2: Hide Zangetsu.

3: Tell him Kenpatchi wants to talk to him.

4: Dye his hair black.

5: Push him into Grimmjow.

6: Tell isshin Ichigo wants to train.

7: Give him a strawberry and tell him it's his new girlfriend.

8: Tell Ichigo that Renji and Rukia are dating.

9: Tell Ikkaku that Ichigo said he has a better Banki than him.

10: poke him.

11: When his really busy with school work Scream his name and say. "THERES A HOLLOW!" when really there's not.

12: Tell him that Uryuu is a better Hollow Hunter then he is.

13: Take him to the fruit shop and tell the work that one of their Strawberries ran away and hand him to them.

14: Show him this list.

15: Tell him Ulquiorra is really alive and wants to fight.

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