Monsterella - EP. 1

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Even in your deepest sleep, you can still hear the footsteps running down the hall toward your room.

Without even looking at the time, you knew already that it's 5 in the morning.

The toughest time of the day, is trying to wake up at 5 in the morning especially when you just got off of work at midnight.

There's a knock on your door and then your step sister, Hani, started calling for you.

HANI: "Y/N unnie, are you awake yet?"

You dig your head under your pillow as the knocking continued.

HANI: "Unnieeeeeee!!"

You groaned and groaned and groaned and groaned and groaned while you wiggled your body against the warmth of the bed that are pulling you back to sleep.



You sat up and threw a pillow at the door.

YOU: "Can't you just let me sleep in peace for once?! Geez!"

The sound of frying eggs grizzled through the kitchen as you stood half asleep at the stove, staring at the eggs that was bathing in the hot oil in front of you.

Hani and Hami, your twin step sisters, were sitting on the table, waiting for their foods when suddenly Hami gasped.

HAMI: "Oh my god! Have you seen the post on IG?"

HANI: "Do you mean the post about the Prince?"

HAMI: "Yeeesshh! About the festival this Saturday! They say that the Prince will be there also!"

Both of them screamed their lungs out.

You turned around and placed the fried eggs on top of their bowl of rice.

HANI: "Unnie, go with us!"

YOU: "Not interested."

Both of them gasped.

HAMI: "Why not?"

HANI: "Even if you're not going, we are still going!"

YOU: "Yes, thank you. It will be a blessing to have one peaceful day by myself."

You took off your apron.

YOU: "After you guys are done eating, wash your dishes too. If not, I am not going to take you guys to school, got it?"

HANI, HAMI: "Yes, unnie."

You flopped your body back onto your bed and yawned loudly.

Hani and Hami, the sweet sixteen, step twin sisters that you have to watch over.

Godly. They can be such a pain in the ass sometimes!

You can't believe that your father and step mother will leave them two for you to take care while they are having fun in Hawaii; as if you didn't have loads of weight on your shoulders enough.

You shut your eyes and fell asleep immediately.


Opening the small library after you have sent both of your twin sisters to school, you entered in and breathe in the smell of cider peppermint that reminded you of your grandpa.

Your grandpa had left this library for you to take care of after he passed away.

And one of the reasons is... you're a novelist, just like him.

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