Chapter Five

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Emily:niall what do you need to talk about..

Niall:nothing it came out wrong..i ment to say that we can talk when ever. i really missed you..

Emily:so it wasnt a brakeup talk..

Niall:no i would lose myself i love you..

Emily:i love you to.. i would miss you way to much!!

i walked over and he hugged me kissing me on the forhead.. then he bent down and kissed me..

Cade:still in the room..

Emily:well leave.. Pewds is coming with skate three so you can play that with him..

Cade:but we need your playstation 3..

Emily:you will live.


he truged out of my room like a little kid..

Emily:lets see what he did..

i looked at my screan and he changed my lime green sparkle back round to an orange sparkle back round.. i put it back as the lime green sparcles..

niall took my camra and recorded me..

Niall:hay guys its niall.. and im just in emilys room where she is changing her back round to her playstation 3..

Emily:hay cupcakes!! yes im chsnging my backround.. cade thaught it was ok to change everything..

Niall:its not that bad is it..

he said bending down to give me a kiss and the camra was still on..

i kissed him and he sat down next to me..

Pewdiepie: EMILY!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU..

Emily:UP HERE!!

he ran up the stairs..



pewds:niall your here..

Niall:yah the others are here to!!..




He runns out and bro hugs him..

thay walk away going down stairs.

Harry:looks like i dont have lou now..

Liam:its going to be ok..

Cade:emily do i bring the Playstation.

Emily:no we have one down there..


he gets up and runns to the down the stairs.. i smile..

Emily:come on ni..

i grabed his hand walking tovthe stairs..

Niall:babe can we stay up here..

Emily:yah why..

Niall:im kinda tried..

Emily:ok we can take a nap..


He pickes me up and lays me on the bed.

he then walked to the other side getting under the covers..


Author's note

hay my cupcakes sorry it was short but its nap time in the story..

if you liked it give it a like.. love you all


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