chapter 8

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"Philllll do you have to go on tourrrr?" Dan whined from his spot on the couch. It had been about 2 months after the accident, and his leg had healed for the most part. Of course, he liked to exaggerate his limp in order to get Phil to buy him ice cream and chocolates. Though, frankly, Phil would've still bought him things whether he was injured or not.

"It's only gonna be for a few weeks," Phil smiled, amusement glimmering in his eyes, "plus, I already asked if you'd like to come along and you declined."

"Well, it's not my fault that I don't wanna lose my hearing. Your music is so loud!" Dan responded defensively, crossing his arms. 

"Almost as loud as you last night," Phil smirked, watching his boyfriend's face flush scarlet.

"Oh shut up," Dan rolled his eyes, throwing the pillow he was leaning on at the ebony-haired man. 

"Owww!" Phil yelped, putting his hands up in defeat. "Alright, alright, you win!" 

"You have to remember to skype me and text me every day," Dan reminded for the hundredth time. 

"Alright, mum," Phil rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. 

"Don't give me look, Philip Michael Lester!" Dan replied sternly, playing along.

"But muuuuuuuummmmm!" Phil moaned, pouting slightly.

"We should stop this roleplay right now because it'll definitely be weird if I get turned on," Dan laughed.

"Gross," Phil wrinkled his nose, swatting Dan with the pillow. 

"So is your mum."

"Keep my mum out of this!" Phil laughed, throwing a folded pair of socks at the giggling brunet.

"Believe me, I tried to keep her out of my bed but she does what she wants," Dan replied, enduring the many graphic socks that were thrown in his direction.


The tour bus was larger than Phil had expected. With the band's logo pasted all over the sides, it was quite a sight. After gazing in awe at the vehicle that he would be staying in, Phil slowly stepped closer, running his hand over the shiny sleek sides of the bus. 

He entered it, being sure not to trip on the steps. He was thankful that the roof was high enough that he didn't have to bend down. There were enough tiny and cramped beds for the staff and band members, as well as a large bed at the end of the "hall". I need to claim that bed before Joe gets it, lord knows how many people he'll bring into it. 

Phil walked into the tiny bathroom, eyeing the tiny shower. He winced as he tried to step inside. It was uncomfortably narrow, but he'd just have to deal with it. The sink and toilet looked like a reasonable size, at least. 

After leaving the bathroom, the blue-eyed man spotted a mini fridge. He opened it cautiously, as if expecting to find severed body parts like in the movies. Thankfully, he was only met with a couple cans of beer and a few packets of Maltesers. 

On the drive back to his apartment, Phil thought about what he'd do without Dan. They've been in each other's company for so long that Phil had almost forgotten how it felt to be apart from him. 

Though they didn't move in together officially, Dan spent most of his time over Phil's. He had claimed the guest bedroom (though he spent more time in Phil's), and many of his things could be found in the older man's flat.  

Occasionally, Dan would venture back to his own when Phil was busy or if he needed to finish a piece, as he found moving art supplies back and forth was a hassle.

Phil hadn't officially asked Dan if he'd be his boyfriend. Rather, one day Phil had accidentally called Dan his boyfriend and when Dan didn't object, they decided they would date. They both agreed that they wouldn't let the paparazzi know about them, though Phil was hoping that bringing Dan on tour would be a way to "come out" as a couple. They were happy with each other, and that's what mattered.

Dan's father hadn't tried to contact Dan again ever since Phil had called him, which was both a relief and slightly worrying. The raven-haired man steered clear of talking about Dan's dad as best as he could. The vocalist was concerned about leaving Dan alone when he went on tour, as his father was out there searching for him. Phil had to keep reminding himself that Dan wasn't helpless and he could fend for himself. Though, he couldn't ignore the sinking feeling that something would go wrong.


author's note // a mainly cute n fluffy chapter with a lil bit of angst. also, i finally updated lmao  

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