Chapter 10

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Adam and I were standing in what looked to be an abandoned wear house. He was breathing heavy and so was I, we were both covered in blood. There were crumpled dark figures on the ground encircling us. 

Adam and I had to use what we found around us as weapons, in this case an iron pipe, and rusty old crow bar. 

The people in hoods approaching us had very similar looking daggers in their hands,

“Adam, how did we get here?” I ask over my shoulder panting slightly, he and I were back to back. He casts me a quick glance as I swung the crowbar down at the black figure that leapt forward at me.  It collides with his head and he lands on top of a pile of other crumpled bodies. 

“You dragged us here to save your mother even though I told you it was a trap and that if we went they’d kill her anyway.”

“What?” He nods and I see a body laying about 5ft away, its throat was slit, blood encircling it. All I needed to see was the ugly flannel shirt and I knew it was her. 

“No,” I said quietly my weapon dropping slightly but this was all they needed.

The bar is torn from my hands and I’m pulled into the body of one of the people in the black cloaks, the dagger pressed to my throat. 

Adam whips around ready to swing but sees me and stops,

“Try it and she dies.” He growls pressing the dagger in harder, I can feel the dribble of hot blood down my neck. 

Adam holds out his hands in surrender dropping the pipe. Another person in black steps forward and before I can say anything he leaps forward and sinks the knife hilt deep into Adam’s chest. He gasps, looking at me, 

“I’m sorry.” He falls to his knees blood dripping out of his mouth and soaking his shirt from the wound. He falls back against the cement floor blood pooling around his limp body, his hands still clutching the knife protruding from his chest. 

“No!” I step forward and it cuts deeper into my neck. The same person that stabbed Adam yanks the knife from his chest and comes to stand in front of me. 

He lowers the dagger and pushes it into my stomach. I cry out, the pain was excruciating but I was held up by whoever was behind me, then he raises it above his head, it comes down with a woosh and a screaming noise scares me bolt upright my eyes snapping open. 

I slam the snooze button on my alarm. I feel my body making sure there was no real damage done and thankfully there wasn’t, though there was a sharp pain in my stomach. 

It was Monday, a school day and there was no way my aunt would let me skip. She didn’t even let my cousin skip when she had mono, she told her to pop some pills and keep her tongue to herself. 

I groan and haul myself out of bed, my head pounding. I pick up a pair of jeans from the floor and sniff, they were good. I pull on a white v-neck t-shirt, brush my hair back into a messy bun and head to the bathroom to finish the job. 

By the time I get downstairs I’m five minutes late for school but I don’t really care. The car ride with my aunt to school was silent except for her humming to the country CD she had in.

“Have a good day.” She kissed my forehead as I got out.

By now I was 15 minutes late and my degree of not caring had only increased. I walked slowly to my U.S. History class not bothering to get a late pass from the secretary yelling down the hall to me that I needed one.

“Ah, Ms. De Luca how nice of you to join us on this Monday morning. No pass? Then do you care to explain why you are late” My teacher Mr. Owens asks as I walk in, I shrug spotting Adam.

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