chapter 1

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Paige's pov

I stared at myself in my compact. perfect hair, check. perfect skin, check. perfect teeth, check. perfect eyes, definitely not check. I closed my mirror and turned towards maddie, my second in command. "You look great Paigey." she smiled. "I know." I rolled my eyes. "Totally!" chloe agreed, she was another one of the perfs. that's my group. perf is the abbrev for perfect. we started the group in 6th grade because we were-and still are- the prettiest and most popular girls in school. "paige!" maddie waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. "what?" I snapped. "are your eyes okay?" she asked. "yeah." chloe agreed. "you've been squinting a lot lately." "I'm fine!" I lied. "let's go!" I got up and crashed right into a pole. Which knocked out and moved some of my perfect teeth.

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