Chapter Three

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The Tattoo – Chapter Three

Mia's POV

I groggily sat up in bed, and Jc soon did the same. "Figured what out?" I asked, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. "The meaning of your tattoo." He said, smiling like a kid in a candy store. "Oh lord..." I said, reaching for my phone which was on the nightstand. I checked the time. "Con, it's four am. I repeat, four in the damn morning." I said, wondering why the hell he was up this early. "Yes, but I've figured it out." He said. "Okay, Con, let's hear it." Jc said, groggily. His morning voice was one of the sexiest things in the world... ugh. "Alright, are you ready for this?" He asked, excitedly. "We have been." Jc said. Again, with that morning voice!

"It stands for all the members of O2L." He said. A bomb went off in my brain and my head exploded. "O2L..." I repeated. "Well, not just O2L, it took a while to figure it out but it's actually all the people who are significant to you. Your mom, dad, sister, and all of us who live here." He said. I smiled, and looked down at my arm. My fingers ran over my tattoo, enjoying the thought of the meaning finally being declared. "That makes perfect sense." Jc said, kissing my forehead. I smiled even wider. "The only issue is that I still have no idea what the L means." Connor said, you could hear the disappointment in his voice. "That's okay, Con, we'll figure it out as one big happy family." I said.

"Family... that's got something to do with it." He said and rushed out of our room, slamming the door behind him.

Jc's POV

"That man." I mumbled as I got comfortable in bed again. "O2L..." Mia repeated, rubbing the part of her arm with the tattoo on it. "Yes, babe. It's O2L." I said with a smile as I cuddled up next to her.

But the second I got comfortable, she sprung out of bed and ran over to my desk. She whipped open my laptop and started typing like a madman. "Babe..." I began, but it was no use. She said typing so fast that nothing could distract her from her work – whatever her work was. But that was the least of my worries at this point, I was trying to get back to sleep.

By six am, I was wide awake. Mia was still on the computer, now typing less vigorously. I came up behind her and hugged her. "Whatcha up to baby?" I asked, kissing her head. She held a finger up to her lips and kept typing, it was no use. So instead of urging it out of her, I went downstairs to the kitchen where Connor and the others were. "Did he wake all of you up too?" I asked, and got many eye rolls and head nods in response. "Connor, why did you wake up the whole house to tell them about Mia's tattoo?" I asked, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. "Because it's ground breaking, it took me hours to figure this out. HOURS, JC, HOURS." Connor raised his voice higher than ever before. "I know, Con, but it's six in the morning. Don't you think this could've waited until after all of us were bright eyed and bushy tailed before you sprung this on us? I'm not even sure Mia grasps the concept of it quite yet." I said. Connor looked down. "I'm sorry guys, I just thought you'd all be as happy as I am." He said. "We are just as happy." Kian piped up. "Yeah, it's just too early to be that happy." Sam added. "And honestly, it's amazing that you finally figured it out." Ricky said. "Because it's been driving us all nuts." Trevor said. "But it's just too early, and once Mia comes downstairs, we'll have a little talk about it and be excited then." I said.

So, we waited, and played video games, and ate, and waited. And by ten o' clock, Mia came down the stairs, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes, with her t-shirt drooping off one shoulder, her bun all floppy and messy, yet she looked beautiful. "Morning." She mumbled.

Mia's POV

God, I'd been typing for hours. I stood up from my chair and rubbed my eyes awake. As I walked down the stairs I heard the boys talking, something about being too early. Boy, were they right! "Morning." I mumbled as I walked into the kitchen, expecting mumbles in return. But, instead I got a jolly warm welcome by hugs and loud screams. "Well this is a surprise." I said, knowing that no one was ever up this early. "What were you so busy working on?" Jc asked. "Just typing out what every part of my tattoo means. Starting with the letter, who it is, and why they're important to me." I said, yawning. "Oh, cute." Kian said, taking after me and yawning as well. In no time, everyone was yawning like madmen. "Well, I'm still wicked tired, thanks to Con over here." I said, nudging his shoulder with my elbow. "I'm sorry! But you cannot deny that this isn't ground breaking news." He said with a smile spread across his face. "Yes, Connor, it's ground breaking news." I said with a smile.

I made my way over to the couch and Jc cuddled up next to me. "Aren't you glad that this is practically the last time you'll ever have to tell someone you have no idea what your tattoo means?" He asked. "I suppose, but there's still that last letter." I said, rubbing my thumb over the mysterious 'L' on my arm. "You'll figure it out one day, I know it." Jc said and ran his fingers through my hair as all of us watched TV until the later afternoon.


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