Chapter: 2

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Hermione's dorm-mates were still fast asleep when she woke. She always was an early riser; hardly ever sleeping in. Waking up early insured that she didn't have to be in a crowded bathroom trying to get ready while the other girls fussed about their hair and makeup. Sliding from beneath the warm blankets, she made her way to the empty bathroom.
After running a brush through her hair and straitening the prefect badge on her robes, Hermione headed out of the bathroom and towards her four-poster bed. The small book that still lay beneath her pillow once again entered her thoughts.
After slipping the small leather-bound book into her bag, Hermione quickly made her way towards the library. She wanted to examine the diary further. What she had experienced yesterday with the small book ran though her head. It definitely had some serious dark magic. Maybe the book did belong in the restricted section. The thought didn't seem as ridiculous now, but she wanted to wait before she made any strong opinions on the matter.
Hermione entered the deserted library and headed past the many rows of books. For some reason she felt the need to not let anyone see the book. She looked around before heading to the most secluded area in the library.
She sat down in the dark corner, pulling out the mysterious little book that had laid innocently in her bag. Once again, Hermione felt the familiar hum of magic coming from the diary. The magic was still pulsing throughout the small book; perhaps even stronger than it had been yesterday.
After running her finger across the plain black leather, Hermoine opened the book. She took out her quill and dipped it into the ink. With the accidentally spilled ink gone, the pages were once again blank. Any evidents that the book had responded was wiped clean.
However, just as Hermione was about to put her quill on the paper, a puddle of ink started to seep its way out of it's pages. The ink moved and twisted, forming a message in the same elegant scrawl.
"Hello, Hermione Granger."
Hermione felt her eyes widen as she gazed at the greeting. She felt a little unsettled as she stared at the freshly-written words. Hesitantly, she returned the odd books greeting and then got staight to the point.
"Hello, Tom Riddle. If you don't mind me asking, what are you?"
She was extremely curious as to what answer Tom Riddle's book would give her. Hermione had heard of all types of magical objects; it wasn't unusual to find charmed quills and note-pads. But, somehow she knew that the diary was completely different.
She hadn't heard of any witches or wizards having a full conversation with a quill. It was a ridiculous thought that made Hermione give out a quiet chuckle. No, this diary was something special.
The reply came fast, eagerly filling up the page.
"I was wondering when you were going to ask. This diary was left in Hogwarts library many years ago. A piece of me was preserved inside these empty pages. I had hoped that someone would one day open this diary."
Hermione stared at the glistening ink, a frown on her face. Preserving yourself in a diary? She didn't even want to think of how someone could manage that. It had to be extremely dangerous, dark magic without a doubt.
"Why did you do it? Why did you want to preserve yourself in this diary?"
The ink took longer than usual to form words. She wondered if maybe he was deciding how to answer. If what was used on the diary was indeed dark magic, she was sure that he would be choosing his words carefully. The subject of that kind of magic never came lightley.
Hermione stared at the word in disbelief. Is that it? Is that really the only reason he had given her? Yes, knowledge was very important, only a fool would think otherwise. But, why would knowledge have anything to do with preserving yourself in an old diary? When Hermione didn't write back, ink once agiain apeared on the page.
"Knowledge is power, Hermione Granger. Remember that."
As Hermione left the library and headed toward the great hall, she realized that she was going to have to face Ron. Her mood dulled as she entered through the heavy doors.
Lavender Brown was sitting next to Ron while Harry sat across from them. Plopping down beside Harry, Hermione tried her best to ignore the annoying couple across from her. Her thoughts were quick to turn back to Tom Riddle and his diary.
Hermione and Riddle's little chat had ended after he had answered her question. He had refused to say anything more on the matter. She didn't trust the diary at all. Even an idiot would have figured out that Tom Riddle and the Diary were bad news. They would have certainly thrown it away. So, why hadn't she?
The fact that Hermione couldn't figure that out was strange. She felt the need to keep the diary. When she held it in her hands, she felt the hum of the magic. It swired around hers when she was near, as if it was testing out her power. She did admit that it was unsettling.
There were many stories about those who had fallen victim to dark magic. It was easy to get suduced by power. Hermione was aware of these facts, and it was this reason alone why she didn't get rid of the book. She was aware of dark magic and what it could do; she had complete control over this situation. And like Tom said; "Knowledge is power."
The rest of Hermione's day past by quickly. Neville had managed to ruin a coldron in potions - spilling what was supposed to be a cure for boils - all over that floor. As she left her last class of the day, Harry reminded her that they had patrols tonight. She had been hoping for extra time, so that she could question Tom Riddle a little more.
Hermione set her bag down on her four-poster bed, this time putting the diary in her robe pocket. She didn't want to risk leaving it under the pillow.
Hermione met Harry down in the common room and they headed to the great hall together. Aparently Lavender had dragged Ron off, chatting about something a Hufflepuff had said to her. As they walked the familiar path to the great hall Hermione saw Ginny arguing with Dean.
Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Harry, he was looking Ginny. Putting her hand on his arm, Hermione gave him a sad, understanding smile. Giving her a slight nod, they continued on their way to the great hall.
I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! Please review, follow, and favorite! The next chapter should be up soon.

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