Mordecai I dont feel good

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Chapter Two

"Ummm Mordecai."

"Hmmmm what" I began to wake up. I looked to Rigby who was extremely flustered.

"I don't feel good"

I sat up on the palms of my hands. "What do you mean?"

"My stomach hurts and my head is burning."

Rigby looked so innocent, it was adorable. "Alright let's get you in bed."

I walked Rigby into our room and on to my bed. After Rigby got settled I leaned over and put my lips to his forehead.

"Ehhhhh Mordecai, what are you doing?" Rigby looked bewildered

"Just checking your temp, calm down. You defiantly have a fever though. Stay here I'll go get Pops."

I ran down stairs and into the kitchen. "Pops Rigby's sick."

"Oh dear, I'll go grab my stuff." Having a medic in the house always came in handy, even if he diagnosed people with some kind of lollipop related disease.

"well it looks like Rigby has a lolicold."

"Uh huh, and how do you treat a "lolicold"?"

"Just peppermints for the stomach and lots of rest."

"Alrighty then, you hear that Rigby? REST and lots of it."

"Shut up Mordecai!"

"Looks like you can't go to that new car fest Muscleman was gonna go to."

Rigby started throwing pillows at me.

"Why you little." I jumped on the bed and begun tickling Rigby.

"Oww Mordecai stop!"

"Awww jeez sorry man."

Rigby hit me in the side of the head with a pillow. "Gotcha." He smiled at me.

"Alright you heard Pops you need to rest."

"Ummm Mordecai."


"Will you lay with me? It's kinda cold in here." I was shocked. He already had his puppy dog eyes out.

"Fine." I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close.



"You rock." Rigby soon fell asleep, but I stayed wide awake. I was confused. Do I like Rigby or not? I mean he's always been my best bro, but there's no way he'd like me back. He'd hate me if he knew I like him. Wait... I LIKE HIM? I looked down at Rigby who was peacefully sleeping. I started playing with his hair. It was nice to be this close to him, sharing body heat.

"Mordecai, What are you doing?" I jumped, was he awake this whole time?

"Nothing." Rigby turned to face me.

"Mordecai do you like me?"

"What are you talking about of course I do you're my best bud.

"No! Not like that. I mean like like me?" I stared at Rigby. There's no way I could tell him.

"Why would you ask that?" Tears weld up in his eyes.

"Rigby?" He jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I ran after him.

"Rigby!" I tried to turn the door knob but it wouldn't budge.

"Rigby unlock this door!" I could hear Rigby's muffled cries from the other side of the door. I looked around. I knew Benson kept a key to the bathroom, because of the time Pops fell in the toilet. I saw it on the shelf and picked it up. I began to unlock the door.

"NOOO! Don't come in." I pushed the door open and rushed inside. Rigby had his knees up to his chest and was crying into his arms. I knelt down beside him.

"Rigby what's wrong?" Rigby didn't respond, he only sobbed harder.

"Rigby you can tell me anything." I held him in my arms till he stopped shaking.

" you"

"What?" I looked at him questionably.

"I like you Mordecai." My eyes grew wide and I stared at him in astonishment.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because you hate me."

"I don't hate you." Rigby looked up at me.

"You don't?"

"Of course I don't, I like you too Rigby."

"I don't believe you." I reached over and raised his chin so we were eye to eye.

"Rigby I like you more than I like anyone."

"What about Margaret?"

"Fuck Margaret, all I want is you!" I leaned in a slammed my lips against Rigby's. At first he didn't move, but then our lips began to move in sync. Rigby pulled away.

"Does this mean we're together?"

"Sure does." I gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Alright off to bed with you and yes I'll lay with you" Rigby smiled and led me to the bed.

"Good night Mordecai."

"Goodnight Rigby."

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